
Name Description
FTPClient The FTPClient class supports the FTP commands CD, GET, PUT, DEL, MKDIR, RENAME, and LIST.
FTPFileInfo The class is used to store information about a remote file.
HTTPClient The HTTPClient class supports the HTTP methods GET, POST, HEAD, PUT, PATCH, OPTIONS, and DELETE.
HTTPRequestPart This represents a part in a multi-part HTTP POST request.
Mail This class is used to send an email with either plain text or MimeEncodedText content.
SFTPClient The SFTPClient class supports the SFTP commands GET, PUT, DEL, MKDIR, RENAME, and LIST.
SFTPFileInfo The class is used to store information about a remote file.
WebDAVClient The WebDAVClient class supports the WebDAV methods GET, PUT, MKCOL, MOVE, COPY, PROPFIND,OPTIONS and DELETE.
WebDAVFileInfo Simple class representing a file on a remote WebDAV location.