Class ServiceRegistry
The ServiceRegistry is responsible for managing Service definitions and their instances.

Typical usage involves several steps:

  1. The service is defined in the Business Manager and configured with necessary credentials.
  2. The service callback is configured once during cartridge initialization:
     ServiceRegistry.configure("MyFTPService", {
         mockExec : function(svc:FTPService, params) {
             return [
                 { "name": "file1", "timestamp": new Date(2011, 02, 21)},
                 { "name": "file2", "timestamp": new Date(2012, 02, 21)},
                 { "name": "file3", "timestamp": new Date(2013, 02, 21)}
         createRequest: function(svc:FTPService, params) {
             svc.setOperation("list", "/");
         parseResponse : function(svc:FTPService, listOutput) {
             var x : Array = [];
             var resp : Array = listOutput;
             for(var i = 0; i < resp.length; i++) {
                 var f = resp[i];
                 x.push( { "name": f['name'], "timestamp": f['timestamp'] } );
             return x;
  3. A new service instance is created and called in order to perform the operation:
     var result : Result = ServiceRegistry.get("MyFTPService").call();
     if(result.status == 'OK') {
         // The result.object is the object returned by the 'after' callback.
     } else {
         // Handle the error. See result.error for more information.
See ServiceCallback for all the callback options, and individual ServiceDefinition classes for customization specific to a service type.
API Versioned:
No longer available as of version 19.10.
It is recommended to use the LocalServiceRegistry instead of this class.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
static configure(serviceID : String, configObj : Object) : ServiceDefinition
Configure the given serviceId with a callback.
static get(serviceID : String) : Service
Constructs a new instance of the given service.
static getDefinition(serviceID : String) : ServiceDefinition
Gets a Service Definition.
static isConfigured(serviceID : String) : boolean
Returns the status of whether the given service has been configured with a callback.
Method Detail
static configure(serviceID : String, configObj : Object) : ServiceDefinition
Configure the given serviceId with a callback.

If the service is already configured, the given callback will replace any existing one.

serviceID - Unique Service ID.
configObj - Configuration callback. See ServiceCallback for a description of available callback methods.
Associated ServiceDefinition, which can be used for further protocol-specific configuration.

static get(serviceID : String) : Service
Constructs a new instance of the given service.
serviceID - Unique Service ID.
Service instance.

static getDefinition(serviceID : String) : ServiceDefinition
Gets a Service Definition.

This Service Definition is shared across all Service instances returned by get(String).

serviceID - Unique Service Id

static isConfigured(serviceID : String) : boolean
Returns the status of whether the given service has been configured with a callback.
serviceID - Unique Service ID.
true if configure has already been called, false otherwise.