Business Objects for Explicit Recommendations

Explicit recommendations use an extensible system object to include native attributes.

This table lists the native attributes included with the Recommendation system object.

ID Type Description Localizable
UUID String The recommendation's internal identifier. No
calloutMsg Html The recommendation's callout message. Yes
creationDate Date + Time The recommendation's creation date. This does not change. No
image Image The image associated with the recommendation that appears on the storefront. No
lastModified Date + Time The date and time at which the recommendation was modified. This changes with each edit. No
longDescription Html A detailed description of the recommendation. Yes
name String The name of the recommendation as it will appear on the storefront. Yes
RecommendationType (see below) Enum of Integer The recommendation type in integer format. No
ShortDescription Html An abbreviated description of the recommendation. Yes


The number of recommendation types is extensible and the labels associated with the types in the Business Manager are configurable. RecommendationType is configured with three default values:

  • 1 (cross-sell)
  • 2 (up-sell)
  • 3 (other)

If these types don't satisfy your requirements, you can add new types or rename existing types.

To add additional attribute values, you can:

  • Configure them manually in Business Manager: Administration > Site Development > System Object Type > Recommendation.
  • Create them as part of a meta data import feed.
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