Time to Out of Stock

Time to out of Stock (TTOOS) is the estimated time before a product goes out of stock.

TTOOS (Time to out of Stock) is the estimated time before a product goes out of stock. Specifically, it's the ratio between the Available To Sell (ATS) attribute and the Sales Velocity attribute value for the most recent day. Special rules apply for variation products, product sets, and potentially product bundles. TTOOS is the same for all sites that share an Inventory list, so it's a site-specific value.


  • Is computed in real time in Salesforce B2C Commerce
  • Cannot be imported or exported
  • Is not staged, so its value is specific to an instance

Standard Product

Where product (p) is a standard product or product bundle for a site that uses an inventory list

  • If out of stock, TTOOS = 0.0
  • If perpetual available, TTOOS(p) = 1.0
  • If Sales Velocity Day(p) not available, TTOOS(p) = 0.0
  • If ATS(p) not available, TTOOS(p) = 0.0
  • Otherwise, TTOOS(p) = ATS(p) / Sales Velocity Day(p)

Normal Product or Bundle with Inventory List Example

Product 1 - not in stock

InStock: false

TTOOS: 0.0

Product 2 - perpetual

IsPerpetual: true

TTOOS: 1.0

Product 3 - no sales velocity information

Sales Velocity: n/a

TTOOS: 0.0

Product 4 - no ATS information

ATS: n/a

TTOOS: 0.0

Product 5

ATS: 5000

Sales Velocity: 10.5 (per hour)

TTOOS: 5000 / 10.5 = 476.19

Base Product


  • mp is a base product,
  • vpX are online variations of the base product

Example 1

Variation product 1

ATS: 4800

Sales Velocity: 30 (per hour)

TTOOS: 4800 / 30 = 160.0

Variation product 2

ATS: 15

Sales Velocity: 1 (per hour)

TTOOS: 15 / 1 = 15.0

Base product

TTOOS: MAX(160.0, 15.0) = 160.0

Product Bundle

TTOOS for a product bundle is the least amount of time to out of stock for any product in the bundle.

TTOOS(bp) = MIN(TTOOS(cpX ))


  • bp is a product bundle
  • cpX are online products in the bundle for a site that doesn't use an inventory list

Product Bundle Examples If Site Does Not Use Inventory List

Product 1 in bundle

ATS: 550

Sales Velocity: 10 (per hour)

TTOOS: 550 / 10 = 55.0

Product 2 in bundle

ATS: 250

Sales Velocity: 10 (per hour)

TTOOS: 250 / 10 = 25.0

Product bundle

TTOOS: MIN(55.0, 25.0) = 25.0

Product Set

TTOOS for a product set the longest time to out of stock of any product in the set.



  • sp is a product set
  • cpX are online products in the set

Example 1

Product 1 in set

ATS: 240

Sales Velocity: 20 (per hour)

TTOOS: 240 / 20 = 12.0

Product 2 in set

ATS: 100

Sales Velocity: 100 (per hour)

TTOOS: 100 / 100 = 1.0

Product set

TTOOS: MAX(12.0, 1.0) = 12.0

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