Class Shipment
Represents an order shipment.
Shipment shipping status representing 'Not shipped'.
Shipment shipping status representing 'Shipped'.
Shipment shipping status representing 'Not shipped'.
Shipment shipping status representing 'Shipped'.
adjustedMerchandizeTotalGrossPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The adjusted total gross price, including tax, in the purchase currency. The adjusted total gross price represents the sum of product prices and adjustments including tax, excluding services.
adjustedMerchandizeTotalNetPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The adjusted net price, excluding tax, in the purchase currency. The adjusted net price represents the the sum of product prices and adjustments, excluding services and tax.
adjustedMerchandizeTotalPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The product total price after all product discounts. If the line item container is based on net pricing the adjusted product total net price is returned. If the line item container is based on gross pricing the adjusted product total gross price is returned.
adjustedMerchandizeTotalTax  :  Money  (Read Only)
The total adjusted product tax in the purchase currency. The total adjusted product tax represents the tax on products and adjustments, excluding services.
adjustedShippingTotalGrossPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The adjusted sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, including shipping adjustuments and tax
adjustedShippingTotalNetPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, including shipping adjustments, excluding tax.
adjustedShippingTotalPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The adjusted shipping total price. If the line item container is based on net pricing the adjusted shipping total net price is returned. If the line item container is based on gross pricing the adjusted shipping total gross price is returned.
adjustedShippingTotalTax  :  Money  (Read Only)
The tax of all shipping line items of the shipment , including shipping adjustments.
allLineItems  :  Collection  (Read Only)
All line items related to the shipment.

The returned collection may include line items of the following types:

Their common type is LineItem.

Each ProductLineItem in the collection may itself contain bundled or option product line items, as well as a product-level shipping line item.

default  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Return true if this shipment is the default shipment (shipment ID "me").
gift  :  boolean
Returns true if this line item represents a gift, false otherwise.
giftCertificateLineItems  :  Collection  (Read Only)
All gift certificate line items of the shipment.
giftMessage  :  String
The value set for gift message or null if no value set.
ID  :  String  (Read Only)
The ID of this shipment ("me" for the default shipment).
merchandizeTotalGrossPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The gross product subtotal in the purchase currency. The gross product subtotal represents the sum of product prices including tax, excluding services and adjustments.
merchandizeTotalNetPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The net product subtotal, excluding tax, in the purchase currency. The net product subtotal represents the sum of product prices, excluding services, adjustments, and tax.
merchandizeTotalPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The product total price. If the line item container is based on net pricing the product total net price is returned. If the line item container is based on gross pricing the product total gross price is returned.
merchandizeTotalPriceAdjustments  :  Collection  (Read Only)
A collection of price adjustments that have been applied to the totals, such as a promotion on the purchase value (i.e. $10 Off or 10% Off).
Shipments cannot have product price adjustments, therefore this method will always return an empty collection
merchandizeTotalTax  :  Money  (Read Only)
The total product tax in the purchase currency. The total product tax represents the tax on products, excluding services and adjustments.
productLineItems  :  Collection  (Read Only)
A collection of all product line items related to this shipment.
proratedMerchandizeTotalPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The total product price of the shipment, including product-level adjustments and prorating all Buy-X-Get-Y and order-level adjustments, according to the scheme described in PriceAdjustment.getProratedPrices(). For net pricing the net price is returned. For gross pricing, the gross price is returned.
shipmentNo  :  String  (Read Only)
The shipment number for this shipment.

When an order is placed (OrderMgr.placeOrder(Order)) shipment number will be filled using a sequence. Before order was placed null will be returned.

shippingAddress  :  OrderAddress  (Read Only)
The shipping address or null if none is set.
shippingLineItems  :  Collection  (Read Only)
A collection of all shipping line items of the shipment, excluding any product-level shipping costs that are associated with ProductLineItems of the shipment.
shippingMethod  :  ShippingMethod
The shipping method or null if none is set.
shippingMethodID  :  String  (Read Only)
The shipping method ID or null if none is set.
shippingPriceAdjustments  :  Collection  (Read Only)
A collection of price adjustments that have been applied to the shipping costs of the shipment, for example by the promotions engine.
Note that this method returns all shipping price adjustments in this shipment, regardless of which shipping line item they belong to. Use ShippingLineItem.getShippingPriceAdjustments() to retrieve the shipping price adjustments associated with a specific shipping line item.
shippingStatus  :  EnumValue
The shipping status. Possible values are SHIPMENT_NOTSHIPPED or SHIPMENT_SHIPPED.
shippingTotalGrossPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, including tax, excluding shipping adjustments.
shippingTotalNetPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, excluding tax and adjustments.
shippingTotalPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The shipping total price. If the line item container is based on net pricing the shipping total net price is returned. If the line item container is based on gross pricing the shipping total gross price is returned.
shippingTotalTax  :  Money  (Read Only)
The tax of all shipping line items of the shipment before shipping adjustments have been applied.
standardShippingLineItem  :  ShippingLineItem  (Read Only)
Convenience method. Same as getShippingLineItem(ShippingLineItem.STANDARD_SHIPPING_ID)
totalGrossPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The total gross price of the shipment in the purchase currency. The total gross price is the sum of product prices, service prices, adjustments, and tax.
totalNetPrice  :  Money  (Read Only)
The total net price of the shipment in the purchase currency. The total net price is the sum of product prices, service prices, and adjustments, excluding tax.
totalTax  :  Money  (Read Only)
The total tax for the shipment in the purchase currency.
trackingNumber  :  String
The tracking number of this shipment.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
createShippingAddress() : OrderAddress
A shipment has initially no shipping address.
createShippingLineItem(id : String) : ShippingLineItem
Creates a new shipping line item for this shipment.
createShippingPriceAdjustment(promotionID : String) : PriceAdjustment
Creates a shipping price adjustment to be applied to the shipment.
getAdjustedMerchandizeTotalGrossPrice() : Money
Returns the adjusted total gross price, including tax, in the purchase currency.
getAdjustedMerchandizeTotalNetPrice() : Money
Returns the adjusted net price, excluding tax, in the purchase currency.
getAdjustedMerchandizeTotalPrice() : Money
Returns the product total price after all product discounts.
getAdjustedMerchandizeTotalPrice(applyOrderLevelAdjustments : boolean) : Money
Returns the total product price including product-level adjustments and, optionally, prorated order-level adjustments.
getAdjustedMerchandizeTotalTax() : Money
Returns the total adjusted product tax in the purchase currency.
getAdjustedShippingTotalGrossPrice() : Money
Returns the adjusted sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, including shipping adjustuments and tax
getAdjustedShippingTotalNetPrice() : Money
Returns the sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, including shipping adjustments, excluding tax.
getAdjustedShippingTotalPrice() : Money
Returns the adjusted shipping total price.
getAdjustedShippingTotalTax() : Money
Returns the tax of all shipping line items of the shipment , including shipping adjustments.
getAllLineItems() : Collection
Returns all line items related to the shipment.
getGiftCertificateLineItems() : Collection
Returns all gift certificate line items of the shipment.
getGiftMessage() : String
Returns the value set for gift message or null if no value set.
getID() : String
Returns the ID of this shipment ("me" for the default shipment).
getMerchandizeTotalGrossPrice() : Money
Returns the gross product subtotal in the purchase currency.
getMerchandizeTotalNetPrice() : Money
Returns the net product subtotal, excluding tax, in the purchase currency.
getMerchandizeTotalPrice() : Money
Returns the product total price.
getMerchandizeTotalPriceAdjustments() : Collection
Returns a collection of price adjustments that have been applied to the totals, such as a promotion on the purchase value (i.e.
getMerchandizeTotalTax() : Money
Returns the total product tax in the purchase currency.
getProductLineItems() : Collection
Returns a collection of all product line items related to this shipment.
getProratedMerchandizeTotalPrice() : Money
Returns the total product price of the shipment, including product-level adjustments and prorating all Buy-X-Get-Y and order-level adjustments, according to the scheme described in PriceAdjustment.getProratedPrices().
getShipmentNo() : String
Returns the shipment number for this shipment.
getShippingAddress() : OrderAddress
Returns the shipping address or null if none is set.
getShippingLineItem(id : String) : ShippingLineItem
Returns the shipping line item identified by the specified ID, or null if not found.
getShippingLineItems() : Collection
Returns a collection of all shipping line items of the shipment, excluding any product-level shipping costs that are associated with ProductLineItems of the shipment.
getShippingMethod() : ShippingMethod
Returns the shipping method or null if none is set.
getShippingMethodID() : String
Returns the shipping method ID or null if none is set.
getShippingPriceAdjustmentByPromotionID(promotionID : String) : PriceAdjustment
Returns the shipping price adjustment associated with the specified promotion ID.
getShippingPriceAdjustments() : Collection
Returns a collection of price adjustments that have been applied to the shipping costs of the shipment, for example by the promotions engine.
Note that this method returns all shipping price adjustments in this shipment, regardless of which shipping line item they belong to.
getShippingStatus() : EnumValue
Returns the shipping status.
getShippingTotalGrossPrice() : Money
Returns the sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, including tax, excluding shipping adjustments.
getShippingTotalNetPrice() : Money
Returns the sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, excluding tax and adjustments.
getShippingTotalPrice() : Money
Returns the shipping total price.
getShippingTotalTax() : Money
Returns the tax of all shipping line items of the shipment before shipping adjustments have been applied.
getTotalGrossPrice() : Money
Returns the total gross price of the shipment in the purchase currency.
getTotalNetPrice() : Money
Returns the total net price of the shipment in the purchase currency.
getTotalTax() : Money
Returns the total tax for the shipment in the purchase currency.
getTrackingNumber() : String
Returns the tracking number of this shipment.
isDefault() : boolean
Return true if this shipment is the default shipment (shipment ID "me").
isGift() : boolean
Returns true if this line item represents a gift, false otherwise.
removeShippingLineItem(shippingLineItem : ShippingLineItem) : void
Removes the specified shipping line item and any of its dependent shipping price adjustments.
removeShippingPriceAdjustment(priceAdjustment : PriceAdjustment) : void
Removes the specified shipping price adjustment from the shipment.
setGift(isGift : boolean) : void
Controls if this line item is a gift or not.
setGiftMessage(message : String) : void
Sets the value to set for the gift message.
setShippingMethod(method : ShippingMethod) : void
Set the specified shipping method for the specified shipment.
setShippingStatus(status : Number) : void
Sets the shipping status of the shipment.
setTrackingNumber(aValue : String) : void
Sets the tracking number of this shipment.
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Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject
Methods inherited from class PersistentObject
Method Detail
createShippingAddress() : OrderAddress
A shipment has initially no shipping address. This method creates a shipping address for the shipment and replaces an existing shipping address.
The new shipping address of the shipment

createShippingLineItem(id : String) : ShippingLineItem
Creates a new shipping line item for this shipment. If the specified ID is already assigned to any of the existing shipping line items of the shipment, the method throws an exception.
id - The id to use to locate the new shipping line item.
The new shipping line item.

createShippingPriceAdjustment(promotionID : String) : PriceAdjustment
Creates a shipping price adjustment to be applied to the shipment. The price adjustment implicitly belongs to the standard shipping line item if this line item exists, otherwise it belongs to the shipment itself.
The promotion ID is mandatory and must not be the ID of any actual promotion defined in Salesforce B2C Commerce.
If there already exists a shipping price adjustment line item referring to the specified promotion ID, an exception is thrown.
Deprecated in favor of ShippingLineItem.createShippingPriceAdjustment(String), which explicitly relates the price adjustment to a shipping line item.
promotionID - Promotion ID
The new price adjustment line item.

getAdjustedMerchandizeTotalGrossPrice() : Money
Returns the adjusted total gross price, including tax, in the purchase currency. The adjusted total gross price represents the sum of product prices and adjustments including tax, excluding services.
the adjusted total gross price, including tax, in the purchase currency.

getAdjustedMerchandizeTotalNetPrice() : Money
Returns the adjusted net price, excluding tax, in the purchase currency. The adjusted net price represents the the sum of product prices and adjustments, excluding services and tax.
the adjusted net price, excluding tax, in the purchase currency.

getAdjustedMerchandizeTotalPrice() : Money
Returns the product total price after all product discounts. If the line item container is based on net pricing the adjusted product total net price is returned. If the line item container is based on gross pricing the adjusted product total gross price is returned.
either the adjusted product total net or gross price.

getAdjustedMerchandizeTotalPrice(applyOrderLevelAdjustments : boolean) : Money
Returns the total product price including product-level adjustments and, optionally, prorated order-level adjustments. For net pricing the net price is returned. For gross pricing, the gross price is returned.
applyOrderLevelAdjustments - If true, prorated order-level adjustments will be applied to total price
Adjusted net or gross product total price

getAdjustedMerchandizeTotalTax() : Money
Returns the total adjusted product tax in the purchase currency. The total adjusted product tax represents the tax on products and adjustments, excluding services.
the total tax in purchase currency.

getAdjustedShippingTotalGrossPrice() : Money
Returns the adjusted sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, including shipping adjustuments and tax
the adjusted sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, including shipping adjustuments and tax

getAdjustedShippingTotalNetPrice() : Money
Returns the sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, including shipping adjustments, excluding tax.
the sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, including shipping adjustments, excluding tax.

getAdjustedShippingTotalPrice() : Money
Returns the adjusted shipping total price. If the line item container is based on net pricing the adjusted shipping total net price is returned. If the line item container is based on gross pricing the adjusted shipping total gross price is returned.
either the adjusted shipping total net or gross price

getAdjustedShippingTotalTax() : Money
Returns the tax of all shipping line items of the shipment , including shipping adjustments.
the tax of all shipping line items of the shipment , including shipping adjustments.

getAllLineItems() : Collection
Returns all line items related to the shipment.

The returned collection may include line items of the following types:

Their common type is LineItem.

Each ProductLineItem in the collection may itself contain bundled or option product line items, as well as a product-level shipping line item.

all line items related to ths shipment.

getGiftCertificateLineItems() : Collection
Returns all gift certificate line items of the shipment.
A collection of all GiftCertificateLineItems of the shipment.

getGiftMessage() : String
Returns the value set for gift message or null if no value set.
the value set for gift message or null if no value set.

getID() : String
Returns the ID of this shipment ("me" for the default shipment).
the ID of this shipment

getMerchandizeTotalGrossPrice() : Money
Returns the gross product subtotal in the purchase currency. The gross product subtotal represents the sum of product prices including tax, excluding services and adjustments.
the total gross price, including tax, in the purchase currency.

getMerchandizeTotalNetPrice() : Money
Returns the net product subtotal, excluding tax, in the purchase currency. The net product subtotal represents the sum of product prices, excluding services, adjustments, and tax.
the net price, excluding tax, in the purchase currency.

getMerchandizeTotalPrice() : Money
Returns the product total price. If the line item container is based on net pricing the product total net price is returned. If the line item container is based on gross pricing the product total gross price is returned.
either the product total net or gross price

getMerchandizeTotalPriceAdjustments() : Collection
Returns a collection of price adjustments that have been applied to the totals, such as a promotion on the purchase value (i.e. $10 Off or 10% Off).
Shipments cannot have product price adjustments, therefore this method will always return an empty collection
a collection of price adjustments that have been applied to the totals, such as a promotion on the purchase value (i.e. $10 Off or 10% Off).

getMerchandizeTotalTax() : Money
Returns the total product tax in the purchase currency. The total product tax represents the tax on products, excluding services and adjustments.
the total tax in purchase currency.

getProductLineItems() : Collection
Returns a collection of all product line items related to this shipment.
a collection of all product line items related to this shipment.

getProratedMerchandizeTotalPrice() : Money
Returns the total product price of the shipment, including product-level adjustments and prorating all Buy-X-Get-Y and order-level adjustments, according to the scheme described in PriceAdjustment.getProratedPrices(). For net pricing the net price is returned. For gross pricing, the gross price is returned.
Adjusted and prorated net or gross product total price

getShipmentNo() : String
Returns the shipment number for this shipment.

When an order is placed (OrderMgr.placeOrder(Order)) shipment number will be filled using a sequence. Before order was placed null will be returned.

the shipment number for this shipment.

getShippingAddress() : OrderAddress
Returns the shipping address or null if none is set.
the shipping address or null if none is set.

getShippingLineItem(id : String) : ShippingLineItem
Returns the shipping line item identified by the specified ID, or null if not found.

To get the standard shipping line item for this shipment, use the identifier ShippingLineItem.STANDARD_SHIPPING_ID.

id - the identifier to use to locate the shipping line item.
the shipping line item identified by the specified ID, or null if not found.

getShippingLineItems() : Collection
Returns a collection of all shipping line items of the shipment, excluding any product-level shipping costs that are associated with ProductLineItems of the shipment.
a collection of all shipping line items of the shipment, excluding any product-level shipping costs.

getShippingMethod() : ShippingMethod
Returns the shipping method or null if none is set.
the shipping method or null if none is set.

getShippingMethodID() : String
Returns the shipping method ID or null if none is set.
the shipping method ID or null if none is set.

getShippingPriceAdjustmentByPromotionID(promotionID : String) : PriceAdjustment
Returns the shipping price adjustment associated with the specified promotion ID.
This item is deprecated.
promotionID - the promotion ID
The price adjustment associated with the given promotion ID

getShippingPriceAdjustments() : Collection
Returns a collection of price adjustments that have been applied to the shipping costs of the shipment, for example by the promotions engine.
Note that this method returns all shipping price adjustments in this shipment, regardless of which shipping line item they belong to. Use ShippingLineItem.getShippingPriceAdjustments() to retrieve the shipping price adjustments associated with a specific shipping line item.
a collection of price adjustments that have been applied to the shipping costs of the shipment.

getShippingStatus() : EnumValue
Returns the shipping status. Possible values are SHIPMENT_NOTSHIPPED or SHIPMENT_SHIPPED.
the shipping status. Possible values are SHIPMENT_NOTSHIPPED or SHIPMENT_SHIPPED.

getShippingTotalGrossPrice() : Money
Returns the sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, including tax, excluding shipping adjustments.
the sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, including tax, excluding shipping adjustments.

getShippingTotalNetPrice() : Money
Returns the sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, excluding tax and adjustments.
the sum of all shipping line items of the shipment, excluding tax and adjustments.

getShippingTotalPrice() : Money
Returns the shipping total price. If the line item container is based on net pricing the shipping total net price is returned. If the line item container is based on gross pricing the shipping total gross price is returned.
either the shipping total net or gross price

getShippingTotalTax() : Money
Returns the tax of all shipping line items of the shipment before shipping adjustments have been applied.
the tax of all shipping line items of the shipment before shipping adjustments have been applied.

getStandardShippingLineItem() : ShippingLineItem
Convenience method. Same as getShippingLineItem(ShippingLineItem.STANDARD_SHIPPING_ID)
The standard shipping line item, or null if it does not exist.

getTotalGrossPrice() : Money
Returns the total gross price of the shipment in the purchase currency. The total gross price is the sum of product prices, service prices, adjustments, and tax.
the grand total price gross of tax for the shipment, in purchase currency.

getTotalNetPrice() : Money
Returns the total net price of the shipment in the purchase currency. The total net price is the sum of product prices, service prices, and adjustments, excluding tax.
the grand total price for the shipment net of tax, in purchase currency.

getTotalTax() : Money
Returns the total tax for the shipment in the purchase currency.
the total tax for the shipment, in purchase currency.

getTrackingNumber() : String
Returns the tracking number of this shipment.
the tracking number of this shipment.

isDefault() : boolean
Return true if this shipment is the default shipment (shipment ID "me").
true if this shipment is the default shipment

isGift() : boolean
Returns true if this line item represents a gift, false otherwise.
true if this line item represents a gift, false otherwise.

removeShippingLineItem(shippingLineItem : ShippingLineItem) : void
Removes the specified shipping line item and any of its dependent shipping price adjustments.
shippingLineItem - The shipping line item to be removed.

removeShippingPriceAdjustment(priceAdjustment : PriceAdjustment) : void
Removes the specified shipping price adjustment from the shipment.
Deprecated in favor of ShippingLineItem.removeShippingPriceAdjustment(PriceAdjustment) since shipping price adjustments belong to a specific shipping line item.
priceAdjustment - The price adjustment line item to remove

setGift(isGift : boolean) : void
Controls if this line item is a gift or not.
isGift - set to true if you want this line item to represent a gift.

setGiftMessage(message : String) : void
Sets the value to set for the gift message.
message - the value to set for the gift message.

setShippingMethod(method : ShippingMethod) : void
Set the specified shipping method for the specified shipment.
method - the shipping method to use.

setShippingStatus(status : Number) : void
Sets the shipping status of the shipment.
status - Shipment shipping status

setTrackingNumber(aValue : String) : void
Sets the tracking number of this shipment.
aValue - the tracking number of this shipment.

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