Control Center Instance Permissions

If you are assigned the Control Center Administrator role in Account Manager, or if you are granted the Grant Permissions permission in Control Center, you can grant other users permissions to your instances.

Instance permissions you can assign with Control Center include:
  • Reset–Grant a user assigned to this role the ability to initialize an instance using Reset. (This permission can't be granted to anyone for PIG instances; it can only be granted to SIG sandbox instances.)
  • Start/Stop–Grant a user assigned to this role the ability to stop, start, and restart an instance.
  • View Statistics–Grant a user assigned to this role the ability to view usage statistics for an instance.
  • Grant Permissions–Grant a user assigned to this role the ability to administratively give other users permissions against the instance. Users can only grant permissions currently granted to them; they can't grant permissions they don't have.

For any given instance, permissions are listed for only the operations allowed for that instance.

Note: If you have the Control Center Administrator role in Account Manager, you don't need to grant the instance permissions to yourself. You can perform these actions on all instances.

If your organization has a small number of users, specifying permissions individually might be the simplest way to complete your configuration. If your organization has a large number of users, you should also consider using roles to assign instance permissions. You can also combine both configuration techniques.

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