Asian Language Support

Message resources support Asian character sets because property files assume a UTF-8 encoding. As a result, existing property files that are compatible with the ISO-8859-1 (Latin 1) encoding might no longer be supported in their existing form.

UTF-8 encoding supports many more languages than ISO-8859-1, including Greek, Cyrillic, Coptic, Armenian, Hebrew, Arabic, Syriac and Tana alphabets, as well as Chinese, Japanese and Korean ideographs, symbols, and punctuation.

Location Impact
USA UTF-8 encoding, like ISO-8859-1, is a super-set of the US-ASCII format. This means that existing property files containing only letters, numbers and punctuation among the 128 character codes in US-ASCII are inherently compatible with this change.
Other Countries Property files containing accented characters and additional punctuation, that are beyond the 128 US-ASCII codes and commonly called extended ASCII characters, are not compatible with this change. These files must be converted to UTF-8 format to continue to be used.
Note: If you use extended ASCII characters, you must convert your property files to support UTF-8.

Search Query Processing

Salesforce B2C Commerce supports search query processing for Chinese and Japanese sites.

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