Warning Messages

Warning messages indicate that there is an issue with the Commerce Cloud Einstein deployment or automation.

This table shows some common warning messages. We recommend that you review all warning messages, but not all require action to resolve a problem.

Warning Message Potential Problem Potential Resolution
Deploy to Einstein is in Progress Not usually a problem. For a first time deployment, wait at least 24 hours before filing a ticket to investigate.

Site is deployed to Einstein: Large number of products in catalog feed are missing product type

Einstein received a catalog with fewer than * product types populated.
  • Update your catalog.
  • Category structure is not getting passed through the feed.
  • Variation groups don't have a primary category assigned.
Site is deployed to Einstein: Large number of products in catalog feed are missing category name Einstein received a catalog with fewer than * product types populated.
  • Update your catalog.
  • Category structure not getting passed through the feed.
  • Variation groups don't have a primary category assigned.
Site is deployed to Einstein: Large number of products in catalog feed are missing SKUs Einstein received a catalog with fewer than * product types populated. Update your catalog.
Order feed does not contain enough data. Consider scheduling your order feed to run at longer intervals. The order feed has few or no orders. Schedule your order feed to run at longer intervals so that more data is included.
Notifications pending to read 9