Create a Site in Business Manager

When you create a site in Business Manager, the site contains no content or business data such as, products, prices, or features. Add data and images as part of your customization.

  1. Select Administration > Sites > Manage Sites.
    Use the sort buttons to list your sites in the order that you want them to appear.
  2. Click New.
  3. On the New Site page, enter the following information:
    • ID--Name the site up to 32 alphanumeric characters. You can't use spaces or special characters, but you can use hyphen and underscore characters.
      Important: Don’t use the same ID for a shared library and a site. Doing so can cause unexpected errors.
    • Currency--Select a default currency for the site. You can use multiple currencies for a single site, but only one currency is the default.
    • Taxation--Select Net or Gross. U.S. sites usually require Net. and EMEA/Asia sites usually require Gross.
    • Description--Enter a description for the site.
  4. Click Apply.
    The site is created with the General, Settings, Cache, and Security tabs active. The system also creates directories for storefront-specific data (for example, images) and a domain for the new store on the server database.
    Note: To develop on this site, you must have access privileges.
The next step is to disable page caching for the site, so that you can immediately see changes made during development.