Delete Customers

You can delete one or more customers.

When you delete multiple customers, Salesforce B2C Commerce does this in batch mode. We recommend you use the Import & Export feature when deleting more than 1000 customers at a time. Deleting a customer deletes all address books, wallets, credentials, product lists, baskets, and active, Commerce Cloud Einstein, and Analytics Data from the system.
  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Customers > Customers.
  2. On the Customers page, search for the customers you want to delete using simple or advanced search.
  3. Select one or more customers, or select all customers and click Delete.

    A message appears Are you sure that you want to execute the following action for these items: delete? Click OK.

  4. Or you can click the Edit All or Edit Selected button to select in batch mode.
  5. Select Delete Customers and then click Next.
    1. On the Step 1: Select Action page, select Delete Customers.
      A message appears, This customer processing action will delete all selected customers. Click Finish to start this action, click Cancel to abort.
    2. On the Step 2: Delete Customers - Confirmation page, click Finish.
      The Batch Processing window opens, first showing the process running, and then showing that it finished.
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