Set Category Attributes

Category attributes are defined in the Category system object attributes definitions. You can set category attributes so they are appropriate for the products whose primary category assignment is the associated category.

For example, products whose primary category assignment is Women's Dresses need a clothing size chart, so you define the size chart attribute for the Women's Dresses category.

Specify category attributes that are appropriate for products whose primary category assignment is the associated category.

  1. Select Merchant Tools > Site > Products and Catalogs > Catalogs > Category.
  2. Locate the category for which you want to set attributes and click the selection box.
  3. Click Edit Selected.
  4. In the Select Action page, select Update/Delete Category Attributes, and click Next.
  5. To add, update, or delete attributes, click Select Attributes.
  6. Select the desired attributes, and click Select.
  7. If the selected attributes require additional information, complete the required fields and selections.
  8. Click Finish.
    You can change or add to the listed category attributes by modifying the Attribute Definitions for the category system object.