Note: The Commerce Cloud platform can override this header for tools like the Storefront Toolkit.
You can set this response header only for storefront requests. Report recipient can't be a B2C Commerce system.
You can set this response header only for storefront requests. Report recipient can't be a B2C Commerce system.
You can set this response header only for storefront requests. Report recipient can't be a B2C Commerce system.
Note: The Commerce Cloud platform can override this header for tools like the Storefront Toolkit.
for more information).
Example, how a cookie can be deleted at the client:You can't set a cookie's SameSite attribute using the API. The server sets SameSite to None if either the developer sets the cookie's Secure flag or the global security preference Enforce HTTPS is enabled, in which case the Secure flag is also set. Otherwise, the server doesn't set the SameSite attribute and the browser uses its own default SameSite setting. The SameSite attribute is not sent with a cookie if the server detects that the client doesn't correctly interpret the attribute.
var cookie : Cookie = new Cookie("SomeName", "Simple Value");
For public headers, only the names listed in the "Constants" section are allowed. Custom header names must begin with the prefix "X-SF-CC-" and can contain only alphanumeric characters, dash, and underscore.
For public headers, only the names listed in the "Constants" section are allowed. Custom header names must begin with the prefix "X-SF-CC-" and can contain only alphanumeric characters, dash, and underscore.
This method has the same effect as using <iscache varyby="price_promotion" /> tag in an ISML template. Once the vary-by value was set, either using this method or by the <iscache> tag in a template, the entire response is treated as personalized.