Class Campaign
A Campaign is a set of experiences (or site configurations) which may be deployed as a single unit for a given time frame. The system currently supports 3 types of experience that may be assigned to a campaign:
  • Promotions
  • Slot Configurations
  • Sorting Rules
This list may be extended in the future.

A campaign can have a start and end date or be open-ended. It may also have "qualifiers" which determine which customers the campaign applies to. The currently supported qualifiers are:

  • Customer groups (where "Everyone" is a possible customer group)
  • Source codes
  • Coupons
A campaign can have list of stores or store groups where it can be applicable to.
active  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns 'true' if the campaign is currently active, otherwise 'false'.
A campaign is active if it is enabled and scheduled for now.
applicableInStore  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns true if campaign is applicable to store, otherwise false.
applicableOnline  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns true if campaign is applicable to online site, otherwise false.
coupons  :  Collection  (Read Only)
The coupons assigned to the campaign.
customerGroups  :  Collection  (Read Only)
The customer groups assigned to the campaign.
description  :  String  (Read Only)
The internal description of the campaign.
enabled  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns true if campaign is enabled, otherwise false.
endDate  :  Date  (Read Only)
The end date of the campaign. If no end date is defined for the campaign, null is returned. A campaign w/o end date will run forever.
ID  :  String  (Read Only)
The unique campaign ID.
promotions  :  Collection  (Read Only)
Returns promotions defined in this campaign in no particular order.
sourceCodeGroups  :  Collection  (Read Only)
The source codes assigned to the campaign.
startDate  :  Date  (Read Only)
The start date of the campaign. If no start date is defined for the campaign, null is returned. A campaign w/o start date is immediately effective.
storeGroups  :  Collection  (Read Only)
Returns store groups assigned to the campaign.
stores  :  Collection  (Read Only)
Returns stores assigned to the campaign.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getCoupons() : Collection
Returns the coupons assigned to the campaign.
getCustomerGroups() : Collection
Returns the customer groups assigned to the campaign.
getDescription() : String
Returns the internal description of the campaign.
getEndDate() : Date
Returns the end date of the campaign.
getID() : String
Returns the unique campaign ID.
getPromotions() : Collection
Returns promotions defined in this campaign in no particular order.
getSourceCodeGroups() : Collection
Returns the source codes assigned to the campaign.
getStartDate() : Date
Returns the start date of the campaign.
getStoreGroups() : Collection
Returns store groups assigned to the campaign.
getStores() : Collection
Returns stores assigned to the campaign.
isActive() : boolean
Returns 'true' if the campaign is currently active, otherwise 'false'.
isApplicableInStore() : boolean
Returns true if campaign is applicable to store, otherwise false.
isApplicableOnline() : boolean
Returns true if campaign is applicable to online site, otherwise false.
isEnabled() : boolean
Returns true if campaign is enabled, otherwise false.
Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject
Methods inherited from class PersistentObject
Method Detail
getCoupons() : Collection
Returns the coupons assigned to the campaign.
All coupons assigned to the campaign.

getCustomerGroups() : Collection
Returns the customer groups assigned to the campaign.
Customer groups assigned to campaign.

getDescription() : String
Returns the internal description of the campaign.
Internal description of campaign.

getEndDate() : Date
Returns the end date of the campaign. If no end date is defined for the campaign, null is returned. A campaign w/o end date will run forever.
End date of campaign.

getID() : String
Returns the unique campaign ID.
ID of the campaign.

getPromotions() : Collection
Returns promotions defined in this campaign in no particular order.
All promotions defined in campaign.

getSourceCodeGroups() : Collection
Returns the source codes assigned to the campaign.
All source code groups assigned to campaign.

getStartDate() : Date
Returns the start date of the campaign. If no start date is defined for the campaign, null is returned. A campaign w/o start date is immediately effective.
Start date of campaign.

getStoreGroups() : Collection
Returns store groups assigned to the campaign.
All store groups assigned to the campaign.

getStores() : Collection
Returns stores assigned to the campaign.
All stores assigned to the campaign.

isActive() : boolean
Returns 'true' if the campaign is currently active, otherwise 'false'.
A campaign is active if it is enabled and scheduled for now.
true of campaign is active, otherwise false.

isApplicableInStore() : boolean
Returns true if campaign is applicable to store, otherwise false.
true if campaign is applicable to store, otherwise false.

isApplicableOnline() : boolean
Returns true if campaign is applicable to online site, otherwise false.
true if campaign is applicable to online site, otherwise false.

isEnabled() : boolean
Returns true if campaign is enabled, otherwise false.
true if campaign is enabled, otherwise false.