Create a Page Cache Partition

All pipelines in a partition have their page caches invalidated together. As with a full page cache invalidation, the cache is gradually invalidated over 15 minutes. A pipeline can only be included in one partition. You can create a maximum of 10 partitions. Each partition can contain up to 10 pipelines. A partition can get replication tasks assigned, that if chosen for a replication process that has page cache invalidation strategy 'Invalidate Impacted Cache Partitions' selected, causes the partition to be invalidated at the end of the replication process.

Before creating page cache partitions, understand the relative execution time of each pipeline, so that you can avoid putting too many pipelines in the same partition. Also, be aware of what pieces of the storefront are cached.

The page cache for remote includes and iscomponent elements aren’t automatically invalidated when the page cache for the pipeline that contains the rendering template is invalidated. Therefore, if you want to refresh the content on the Home page by invalidating the Home-Show pipeline, and you have remote includes to Content-Show, then you must also explicitly invalidate the Content-Show pipeline.

Pipelines are only allowed in one partition, but you might want to refresh different page types, such as the home page and product detail page. Therefore, Salesforce recommends that you place pipelines used in remote includes in a separate partition. Then, invalidate the main pipelines of the page in one partition and the content or other remote includes in the other.

  1. Select Administration > Sites > Manage Sites > site.
  2. From the Cache tab, under Page Partitions, click Add Partition.
  3. Enter the following:
    Option Description
    ID Enter a unique, meaningful ID for the partition. It can only contain characters allowed in URLs.
    Name Enter a name that describes the type of pipelines you’re including in your partition. For example: slot configurations and slot content.
  4. From the Pipelines tab, add pipeline names or remove existing ones.

    Use the Pipeline-StartNode name, for example: Home-Show.

    Pipeline names can be for the current site or for remote includes. A pipeline can only appear in one partition. Modifying an existing partition by removing a pipeline sets the page cache clear time to the partition clear time, which can invalidate cached content.

    If your storefront is based on SiteGenesis, you should import the partition definitions included with SiteGenesis.

    If your storefront is based on SFRA or SiteGenesis, import the partition definitions included with SFRA or SiteGenesis.

  5. From the Tab Replication Tasks tab, choose any Global or Site-specific replication tasks.
    If a replication process that has a page cache invalidation strategy of 'Invalidate Impacted Cache Partitions' is selected, the partition is invalidated at the end of the replication process.
  6. Click Save.
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