Class ProductShippingCost
Instances of ProductShippingCost represent product specific shipping costs.
Use ProductShippingModel.getShippingCost(ShippingMethod) to get the shipping cost for a specific product.
amount  :  Money  (Read Only)
The shipping amount.
fixedPrice  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns true if shipping cost is a fixed-price shipping cost, and false if surcharge shipping cost.
surcharge  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns true if shipping cost is a surcharge to the shipment shipping cost, and false if fixed-price shipping cost.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getAmount() : Money
Returns the shipping amount.
isFixedPrice() : boolean
Returns true if shipping cost is a fixed-price shipping cost, and false if surcharge shipping cost.
isSurcharge() : boolean
Returns true if shipping cost is a surcharge to the shipment shipping cost, and false if fixed-price shipping cost.
Method Detail
getAmount() : Money
Returns the shipping amount.
Shipping amount

isFixedPrice() : boolean
Returns true if shipping cost is a fixed-price shipping cost, and false if surcharge shipping cost.
true of fixed-price shipping cost, else false

isSurcharge() : boolean
Returns true if shipping cost is a surcharge to the shipment shipping cost, and false if fixed-price shipping cost.
true of surcharge shipping cost, else false