Search for Customers

You can search using simple or advanced search parameters.

After a customer registers in the storefront, you can view their information in Business Manager. See Customers.

Customer profile search results return the most relevant results first. An algorithm decides how close a match is relative to the information provided. When you enter the name Smith for example, the search results might include Smith, Smyth, and Schmidt, with Smith appearing at the top of the results.

Salesforce B2C Commerce performs full text case insensitive search. In multi-word searches, word order is irrelevant. B2C Commerce searches for all possible word orders. Wildcards are not supported.

When elastic search for customer search is enabled, the advance search with query string parameters for customer attributes accepts only full string values.

You can also use this service programmatically through the B2C Commerce API.

  1. Select site > Customers > Customers.
  2. On the Customers page, click Find without entering a customer name or ID number.
    The entire list of customers appears.
  3. Enter a customer name or ID number in the search field and click Find for a simple search.
  4. Click the Advanced link.
    1. On the Customers from Customer List - site page, provide as much filtering information as you want, including extended attributes qualified by values.
    2. Enter one or more basic customer attributes such as the following:
      • Customer No
      • First Name
      • Last Name
      • Status (Active, Inactive)
      • External Authentication Status
      • Login
      • Email
      • ZIP/Postal Code
    3. Select up to four extended attributes, for example, Mobil Phone (phoneMobile) and Creation Date (creationDate).
    4. Select an equation operator for each attribute (equals, not equals, less than, greater than, less or equal, greater or equal).
    5. Enter the value, for example, Company Name equals Business.
      You can select or enter a date using a widget. Wildcards such as * are not supported.
    6. Select the operator to be used between extended attributes (Default, OR, AND).

      For example:

      Creation Date - less than - 02/14/2017 2:57 PM


      Company - equals - Business

  5. Enter one or more advanced search details and click Find.
    Search results appear beneath the Advanced Search entry fields.
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