Install or Update UX Studio

UX Studio is a plug-in for Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers.

The UX Studio plug-in requires JDK 8 and supports the following Eclipse versions.
  • Mars - Eclipse 4.5
  • Neon - Eclipse 4.6
Note: Newer versions can work, but have not been tested and are not supported.

If you are updating Eclipse, first close the Salesforce B2C Commerce Development perspective.

UX Studio is installed as a plug-in for Eclipse. First, install Eclipse. Then, start the program and install the UX Studio plug-in.

  1. (Windows only) In your Eclipse directory, open the eclipse.ini file and add the following line under the -vmargs option if it is not already there.
  2. Run Eclipse.
  3. Select Help > Install New Software.
  4. Click Add.
  5. Enter UX Studio as the name.
  6. Enter a location according to your Eclipse version and instance type. To access different instance types, install different Eclipse instances with different Studio versions.
    • Mars
      • Sandbox

      • PIG (Production, Staging, or Development)

      • Extended Preview or Early Access Sandbox

    • Neon
      • Sandbox

      • PIG (Production, Staging, or Development)

      • Extended Preview or Early Access Sandbox

  7. Select Salesforce B2C Commerce, and click Next.
    Eclipse verifies compatibility.
  8. Click Next.
  9. Select I accept the terms of the license agreements, and click Finish.
  10. When the installation finishes, click Yes to restart Eclipse.
    If you experience problems, make sure that JDK 8 is installed.