Reports & Dashboards CSV File Reference

You can download many of the Analytics reports as csv files. The csv files show the report data in a different format. This reference describes each csv file.


Column Heading Description
promotionid The promotion id established in Business Manager.
npromotionid The id associated with the promotion and assigned by B2C Commerce.
PromotionName The promotion name.
Promotion Class The promotion class–shipping, product, or order.
usd_totalDiscount Total discount in US dollars.
std_totalDiscount Total discount in realm currency.
ste_totalDiscount Total discount in site currency.
usd_revenue Promotion revenue in US dollars.
std_revenue Promotion revenue in realm currency
ste_revenue Promotion revenue in site currency
Uses The number of times the promotion was used during the report period.


Column Heading Description
Date The date for which the report date is calculated.
usd_revenue Sales revenue in US dollars.
std_revenue Sales revenue in realm currency.
ste_revenue Sales revenue in site currency.
orders Number of orders for the report period.
units Number of units sold for the report period.
usd_aov The average order value in US dollars
std_aov Average order value in realm currency.
ste_aov Average order value in site currency.
upt Units per transaction.
usd_tax Tax on revenue in US dollars.
ste_tax Tax on revenue in realm currency.
ste_tax Tax on revenue in site currency.
usd_shipping Shipping costs in US dollars.
std_shipping Shipping costs in realm currency.
ste_shipping Shipping costs in site currency.


Column Heading Description
promotionClass The promotion class–shipping, product, or order.
ordersPlaced Total number of promotion class order placed.
orderPlacedRatio Ratio of orders placed to the promotion class.


Column Heading Description
usd_asp Average selling price in US dollars.
std_asp Average selling price in realm currency.
ste_asp Average selling price in site currency.


Column Heading Description
firstTimeBuyer A customer for which it is the first purchase under their account registration. For anonymous customers, it the their first purchase using the provided email address.
usd_revenue Revenue in US dollars.
std_revenue Revenue in realm currency.
ste_revenue Revenue in site currency.
orders Total number of first time buyer orders.
units Total number of units purchased.
use_aov Average order value in Us dollars.
ste_aov Average order value in realm currency.
ste_aov Average order value in site currency.
upt Units per transaction.
ust_tax Tax on revenue in US dollars
std_tax Tax on revenue in realm currency.
ste_tax Tax on revenue in site currency.
usd_shipping Shipping costs in US dollars.
std_shipping Shipping costs in realm currency.
ste_shipping Shipping costs in site currency.


Column Heading Description
registered Is the customer registered?
revenue Total customer revenue.
orders Total customer orders.
units Total number of units purchased.
aov Average order value for the customer.
upt Units per transaction.
tax Total tax on revenue.
shipping Total shipping costs.


Column Heading Description
date The transaction date.
promotionClass The promotion class–shipping, product or order.
usd_totalDiscount Total discount in US dollars.
std_totalDiscount Total discount in realm currency.
ste_totalDiscount Total discount in site currency.
totalOrders Total promotion orders.
usd_averageOrderDiscount Average order discount in US dollars
ste_averageOrderDiscount Average discount in realm currency.
ste_averageOrderDiscount Average discount in site currency.


Row Description
ORDER Order promotion type.
PRODUCT Product promotion type.
SHIPPING Shipping promotion type.
TOTAL Total promotion type.
UNKNOWN Unknown promotion type.

Technical Reports


Row Description
date The call date.
total_call_count The total number of calls.
total_response_time Total response time in milliseconds.
total_missandstore_count The number of responses retrieved from the web adapter page.
total_miss_count The number of responses not retrieved from the web adapter page cache.
total_error_count Total number of calls that returned error codes.


Row Description
date The call date.
status_code The returned status code.
call_count The number of calls that returned the status code.
total_count total number of calls.
percent The percent of calls that returned the status code.


Row Description
total_call_count The number of calls.
total_call_count bucket1 The total number of call responses that fall in the 0-499 ms range.
total_call_count bucket2 The total number of call responses that fall in the 500-999 ms range.
total_call_count bucket3 The total number of call responses that fall in the 1000-1499 ms range.
total_call_count bucket4 The total number of call responses that fall in the 1500-1999 ms range.
total_call_count bucket5 The total number of call responses that fall in the 2000-2499 ms range.
total_call_count bucket6 The total number of call responses that fall in the 2500-2999 ms range.
total_call_count bucket7 The total number of call responses that fall in the 3000-3499 ms range.
total_call_count bucket8 The total number of call responses that fall in the 3500-3999 ms range.
total_call_count bucket9 The total number of call responses that fall in the 4000-4499 ms range.
total_call_count bucket10 The total number of call responses that fall in the 4500-4999 ms range.
total_call_count bucket11 The total number of call responses that fall in the 5000+ ms range.


Row Description
pipeline_name The name of the pipeline call.
call_count The number of calls for the pipeline.
total_call_count The number of all pipeline calls.
share_of_total The pipeline call as a percentage of all pipeline calls.
response_time The aggregate response time for the pipeline.
avg_response_time The average response time for the pipeline.
hit_count The number of responses retrieved form the web adapter page cache.
cache_hit_percentage The percentage of responses retrieved from the web adapter page cache.
missandstore_count The number of responses created by an appserver, marked as cacheable, and stored in web adapter page cache.
cache_missandstore_percentage The percentage of responses created by an appserver, marked as cacheable, and stored in web adapter page cache.
miss_count The number of responses not retrieved from the web adapter page cache.
cache_miss_percentage The percentage of responses not retrieved from the web adapter page cache.
non200_count The number of calls that return a non-200 code response.
non200_percentage The percentage of call that return a non-200 code response.


Column Description
date The transaction date.
site The transaction site.
activation_count The number of gift certificates activated.
usd_activation_revenue The revenue from gift certificate activation in US dollars.
std_activation_revenue The revenue from gift certificate activation in realm currency.
ste_activation_revenue The revenue from gift certificate activation in site currency.


Column Description
date The transaction date.
site The redemption site.
redemption_count The number of gift certificate redemptions.
usd_redemption_value The redemption value in US dollars.
std_redemption_value The redemption value in realm currency.
ste_redemption_value The redemption value in site currency.


Column Description
std_lower_inclusive The lowest value including the listed value for the stated currency range.
std_upper_exclusive The highest value excluding the listed value for the stated currency range.
std_activation_count The number of gift certificate activations.
std_activation_value The value of the gift certificate activations.
std_activation_avg_value The average value of an individual gift certificate activation.
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