'use strict';
* @namespace Account
var server = require('server');
var csrfProtection = require('*/cartridge/scripts/middleware/csrf');
var userLoggedIn = require('*/cartridge/scripts/middleware/userLoggedIn');
var consentTracking = require('*/cartridge/scripts/middleware/consentTracking');
* Checks if the email value entered is correct format
* @param {string} email - email string to check if valid
* @returns {boolean} Whether email is valid
function validateEmail(email) {
var regex = /^[\w.%+-][email protected][\w.-]+\.[\w]{2,6}$/;
return regex.test(email);
* Account-Show : The Account-Show endpoint will render the shopper's account page. Once a shopper logs in they will see is a dashboard that displays profile, address, payment and order information.
* @name Base/Account-Show
* @function
* @memberof Account
* @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
* @param {middleware} - userLoggedIn.validateLoggedIn
* @param {middleware} - consentTracking.consent
* @param {querystringparameter} - registration - A flag determining whether or not this is a newly registered account
* @param {category} - senstive
* @param {renders} - isml
* @param {serverfunction} - get
function (req, res, next) {
var CustomerMgr = require('dw/customer/CustomerMgr');
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
var accountHelpers = require('*/cartridge/scripts/account/accountHelpers');
var reportingUrlsHelper = require('*/cartridge/scripts/reportingUrls');
var reportingURLs;
// Get reporting event Account Open url
if (req.querystring.registration && req.querystring.registration === 'submitted') {
reportingURLs = reportingUrlsHelper.getAccountOpenReportingURLs(
var accountModel = accountHelpers.getAccountModel(req);
res.render('account/accountDashboard', {
account: accountModel,
accountlanding: true,
breadcrumbs: [
htmlValue: Resource.msg('global.home', 'common', null),
url: URLUtils.home().toString()
reportingURLs: reportingURLs
* Account-Login : The Account-Login endpoint will render the shopper's account page. Once a shopper logs in they will see is a dashboard that displays profile, address, payment and order information.
* @name Base/Account-Login
* @function
* @memberof Account
* @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
* @param {middleware} - csrfProtection.validateAjaxRequest
* @param {querystringparameter} - rurl - redirect url. The value of this is a number. This number then gets mapped to an endpoint set up in oAuthRenentryRedirectEndpoints.js
* @param {httpparameter} - loginEmail - The email associated with the shopper's account.
* @param {httpparameter} - loginPassword - The shopper's password
* @param {httpparameter} - loginRememberMe - Whether or not the customer has decided to utilize the remember me feature.
* @param {httpparameter} - csrf_token - a CSRF token
* @param {category} - sensitive
* @param {returns} - json
* @param {serverfunction} - post
function (req, res, next) {
var CustomerMgr = require('dw/customer/CustomerMgr');
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var Site = require('dw/system/Site');
var Transaction = require('dw/system/Transaction');
var accountHelpers = require('*/cartridge/scripts/helpers/accountHelpers');
var emailHelpers = require('*/cartridge/scripts/helpers/emailHelpers');
var hooksHelper = require('*/cartridge/scripts/helpers/hooks');
var email = req.form.loginEmail;
var password = req.form.loginPassword;
var rememberMe = req.form.loginRememberMe
? (!!req.form.loginRememberMe)
: false;
var customerLoginResult = Transaction.wrap(function () {
var authenticateCustomerResult = CustomerMgr.authenticateCustomer(email, password);
if (authenticateCustomerResult.status !== 'AUTH_OK') {
var errorCodes = {
ERROR_CUSTOMER_DISABLED: 'error.message.account.disabled',
ERROR_CUSTOMER_LOCKED: 'error.message.account.locked',
ERROR_CUSTOMER_NOT_FOUND: 'error.message.login.form',
ERROR_PASSWORD_EXPIRED: 'error.message.password.expired',
ERROR_PASSWORD_MISMATCH: 'error.message.password.mismatch',
ERROR_UNKNOWN: 'error.message.error.unknown',
default: 'error.message.login.form'
var errorMessageKey = errorCodes[authenticateCustomerResult.status] || errorCodes.default;
var errorMessage = Resource.msg(errorMessageKey, 'login', null);
return {
error: true,
errorMessage: errorMessage,
status: authenticateCustomerResult.status,
authenticatedCustomer: null
return {
error: false,
errorMessage: null,
status: authenticateCustomerResult.status,
authenticatedCustomer: CustomerMgr.loginCustomer(authenticateCustomerResult, rememberMe)
if (customerLoginResult.error) {
if (customerLoginResult.status === 'ERROR_CUSTOMER_LOCKED') {
var context = {
customer: CustomerMgr.getCustomerByLogin(email) || null
var emailObj = {
to: email,
subject: Resource.msg('subject.account.locked.email', 'login', null),
from: Site.current.getCustomPreferenceValue('customerServiceEmail') || '[email protected]',
type: emailHelpers.emailTypes.accountLocked
hooksHelper('app.customer.email', 'sendEmail', [emailObj, 'account/accountLockedEmail', context], function () {});
error: [customerLoginResult.errorMessage || Resource.msg('error.message.login.form', 'login', null)]
return next();
if (customerLoginResult.authenticatedCustomer) {
res.setViewData({ authenticatedCustomer: customerLoginResult.authenticatedCustomer });
success: true,
redirectUrl: accountHelpers.getLoginRedirectURL(req.querystring.rurl, req.session.privacyCache, false)
req.session.privacyCache.set('args', null);
} else {
res.json({ error: [Resource.msg('error.message.login.form', 'login', null)] });
return next();
* Account-SubmitRegistration : The Account-SubmitRegistration endpoint is the endpoint that gets hit when a shopper submits their registration for a new account
* @name Base/Account-SubmitRegistration
* @function
* @memberof Account
* @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
* @param {middleware} - csrfProtection.validateAjaxRequest
* @param {querystringparameter} - rurl - redirect url. The value of this is a number. This number then gets mapped to an endpoint set up in oAuthRenentryRedirectEndpoints.js
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_customer_firstname - Input field for the shoppers's first name
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_customer_lastname - Input field for the shopper's last name
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_customer_phone - Input field for the shopper's phone number
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_customer_email - Input field for the shopper's email address
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_customer_emailconfirm - Input field for the shopper's email address
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_login_password - Input field for the shopper's password
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_login_passwordconfirm: - Input field for the shopper's password to confirm
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_customer_addtoemaillist - Checkbox for whether or not a shopper wants to be added to the mailing list
* @param {httpparameter} - csrf_token - hidden input field CSRF token
* @param {category} - sensitive
* @param {returns} - json
* @param {serverfunction} - post
function (req, res, next) {
var CustomerMgr = require('dw/customer/CustomerMgr');
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var formErrors = require('*/cartridge/scripts/formErrors');
var registrationForm = server.forms.getForm('profile');
// form validation
if (registrationForm.customer.email.value.toLowerCase()
!== registrationForm.customer.emailconfirm.value.toLowerCase()
) {
registrationForm.customer.email.valid = false;
registrationForm.customer.emailconfirm.valid = false;
registrationForm.customer.emailconfirm.error =
Resource.msg('error.message.mismatch.email', 'forms', null);
registrationForm.valid = false;
if (registrationForm.login.password.value
!== registrationForm.login.passwordconfirm.value
) {
registrationForm.login.password.valid = false;
registrationForm.login.passwordconfirm.valid = false;
registrationForm.login.passwordconfirm.error =
Resource.msg('error.message.mismatch.password', 'forms', null);
registrationForm.valid = false;
if (!CustomerMgr.isAcceptablePassword(registrationForm.login.password.value)) {
registrationForm.login.password.valid = false;
registrationForm.login.passwordconfirm.valid = false;
registrationForm.login.passwordconfirm.error =
Resource.msg('error.message.password.constraints.not.matched', 'forms', null);
registrationForm.valid = false;
// setting variables for the BeforeComplete function
var registrationFormObj = {
firstName: registrationForm.customer.firstname.value,
lastName: registrationForm.customer.lastname.value,
phone: registrationForm.customer.phone.value,
email: registrationForm.customer.email.value,
emailConfirm: registrationForm.customer.emailconfirm.value,
password: registrationForm.login.password.value,
passwordConfirm: registrationForm.login.passwordconfirm.value,
validForm: registrationForm.valid,
form: registrationForm
if (registrationForm.valid) {
this.on('route:BeforeComplete', function (req, res) { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow
var Transaction = require('dw/system/Transaction');
var accountHelpers = require('*/cartridge/scripts/helpers/accountHelpers');
var authenticatedCustomer;
var serverError;
// getting variables for the BeforeComplete function
var registrationForm = res.getViewData(); // eslint-disable-line
if (registrationForm.validForm) {
var login = registrationForm.email;
var password = registrationForm.password;
// attempt to create a new user and log that user in.
try {
Transaction.wrap(function () {
var error = {};
var newCustomer = CustomerMgr.createCustomer(login, password);
var authenticateCustomerResult = CustomerMgr.authenticateCustomer(login, password);
if (authenticateCustomerResult.status !== 'AUTH_OK') {
error = { authError: true, status: authenticateCustomerResult.status };
throw error;
authenticatedCustomer = CustomerMgr.loginCustomer(authenticateCustomerResult, false);
if (!authenticatedCustomer) {
error = { authError: true, status: authenticateCustomerResult.status };
throw error;
} else {
// assign values to the profile
var newCustomerProfile = newCustomer.getProfile();
newCustomerProfile.firstName = registrationForm.firstName;
newCustomerProfile.lastName = registrationForm.lastName;
newCustomerProfile.phoneHome = registrationForm.phone;
newCustomerProfile.email = registrationForm.email;
} catch (e) {
if (e.authError) {
serverError = true;
} else {
registrationForm.validForm = false;
registrationForm.form.customer.email.valid = false;
registrationForm.form.customer.emailconfirm.valid = false;
registrationForm.form.customer.email.error =
Resource.msg('error.message.username.invalid', 'forms', null);
delete registrationForm.password;
delete registrationForm.passwordConfirm;
if (serverError) {
success: false,
errorMessage: Resource.msg('error.message.unable.to.create.account', 'login', null)
if (registrationForm.validForm) {
// send a registration email
res.setViewData({ authenticatedCustomer: authenticatedCustomer });
success: true,
redirectUrl: accountHelpers.getLoginRedirectURL(req.querystring.rurl, req.session.privacyCache, true)
req.session.privacyCache.set('args', null);
} else {
fields: formErrors.getFormErrors(registrationForm)
} else {
fields: formErrors.getFormErrors(registrationForm)
return next();
* Account-EditProfile : The Account-EditProfile endpoint renders the page that allows a shopper to edit their profile. The edit profile form is prefilled with the shopper's first name, last name, phone number and email
* @name Base/Account-EditProfile
* @function
* @memberof Account
* @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
* @param {middleware} - csrfProtection.generateToken
* @param {middleware} - userLoggedIn.validateLoggedIn
* @param {middleware} - consentTracking.consent
* @param {category} - sensitive
* @param {renders} - isml
* @param {serverfunction} - get
function (req, res, next) {
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
var accountHelpers = require('*/cartridge/scripts/account/accountHelpers');
var accountModel = accountHelpers.getAccountModel(req);
var profileForm = server.forms.getForm('profile');
profileForm.customer.firstname.value = accountModel.profile.firstName;
profileForm.customer.lastname.value = accountModel.profile.lastName;
profileForm.customer.phone.value = accountModel.profile.phone;
profileForm.customer.email.value = accountModel.profile.email;
res.render('account/profile', {
profileForm: profileForm,
breadcrumbs: [
htmlValue: Resource.msg('global.home', 'common', null),
url: URLUtils.home().toString()
htmlValue: Resource.msg('page.title.myaccount', 'account', null),
url: URLUtils.url('Account-Show').toString()
* Account-SaveProfile : The Account-SaveProfile endpoint is the endpoint that gets hit when a shopper has edited their profile
* @name Base/Account-SaveProfile
* @function
* @memberof Account
* @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
* @param {middleware} - csrfProtection.validateAjaxRequest
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_customer_firstname - Input field for the shoppers's first name
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_customer_lastname - Input field for the shopper's last name
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_customer_phone - Input field for the shopper's phone number
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_customer_email - Input field for the shopper's email address
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_customer_emailconfirm - Input field for the shopper's email address
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_login_password - Input field for the shopper's password
* @param {httpparameter} - csrf_token - hidden input field CSRF token
* @param {category} - sensititve
* @param {returns} - json
* @param {serverfunction} - post
function (req, res, next) {
var Transaction = require('dw/system/Transaction');
var CustomerMgr = require('dw/customer/CustomerMgr');
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
var accountHelpers = require('*/cartridge/scripts/helpers/accountHelpers');
var formErrors = require('*/cartridge/scripts/formErrors');
var profileForm = server.forms.getForm('profile');
// form validation
if (profileForm.customer.email.value.toLowerCase()
!== profileForm.customer.emailconfirm.value.toLowerCase()) {
profileForm.valid = false;
profileForm.customer.email.valid = false;
profileForm.customer.emailconfirm.valid = false;
profileForm.customer.emailconfirm.error =
Resource.msg('error.message.mismatch.email', 'forms', null);
var result = {
firstName: profileForm.customer.firstname.value,
lastName: profileForm.customer.lastname.value,
phone: profileForm.customer.phone.value,
email: profileForm.customer.email.value,
confirmEmail: profileForm.customer.emailconfirm.value,
password: profileForm.login.password.value,
profileForm: profileForm
if (profileForm.valid) {
this.on('route:BeforeComplete', function (req, res) { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow
var formInfo = res.getViewData();
var customer = CustomerMgr.getCustomerByCustomerNumber(
var profile = customer.getProfile();
var customerLogin;
var status;
Transaction.wrap(function () {
status = profile.credentials.setPassword(
if (status.error) {
formInfo.profileForm.login.password.valid = false;
formInfo.profileForm.login.password.error =
Resource.msg('error.message.currentpasswordnomatch', 'forms', null);
} else {
customerLogin = profile.credentials.setLogin(
delete formInfo.password;
delete formInfo.confirmEmail;
if (customerLogin) {
Transaction.wrap(function () {
// Send account edited email
delete formInfo.profileForm;
delete formInfo.email;
success: true,
redirectUrl: URLUtils.url('Account-Show').toString()
} else {
if (!status.error) {
formInfo.profileForm.customer.email.valid = false;
formInfo.profileForm.customer.email.error =
Resource.msg('error.message.username.invalid', 'forms', null);
delete formInfo.profileForm;
delete formInfo.email;
success: false,
fields: formErrors.getFormErrors(profileForm)
} else {
success: false,
fields: formErrors.getFormErrors(profileForm)
return next();
* Account-EditPassword : The Account-EditPassword endpoint renders thes edit password pages. This page allows the shopper to change their password for their account
* @name Base/Account-EditPassword
* @function
* @memberof Account
* @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
* @param {middleware} - csrfProtection.generateToken
* @param {middleware} - userLoggedIn.validateLoggedIn
* @param {middleware} - consentTracking.consent
* @param {category} - sensitive
* @param {renders} - isml
* @param {serverfunction} - get
function (req, res, next) {
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
var profileForm = server.forms.getForm('profile');
res.render('account/password', {
profileForm: profileForm,
breadcrumbs: [
htmlValue: Resource.msg('global.home', 'common', null),
url: URLUtils.home().toString()
htmlValue: Resource.msg('page.title.myaccount', 'account', null),
url: URLUtils.url('Account-Show').toString()
* Account-SavePassword : The Account-SavePassword endpoint is the endpoit that handles changing the shopper's password
* @name Base/Account-SavePassword
* @function
* @memberof Account
* @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
* @param {middleware} - csrfProtection.validateAjaxRequest
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_login_currentpassword - Input field for the shopper's current password
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_login_newpasswords_newpassword - Input field for the shopper's new password
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_profile_login_newpasswords_newpasswordconfirm - Input field for the shopper to confirm their new password
* @param {httpparameter} - csrf_token - hidden input field CSRF token
* @param {category} - sensitive
* @param {returns} - json
* @param {serverfunction} - post
function (req, res, next) {
var Transaction = require('dw/system/Transaction');
var CustomerMgr = require('dw/customer/CustomerMgr');
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
var formErrors = require('*/cartridge/scripts/formErrors');
var profileForm = server.forms.getForm('profile');
var newPasswords = profileForm.login.newpasswords;
// form validation
if (newPasswords.newpassword.value !== newPasswords.newpasswordconfirm.value) {
profileForm.valid = false;
newPasswords.newpassword.valid = false;
newPasswords.newpasswordconfirm.valid = false;
newPasswords.newpasswordconfirm.error =
Resource.msg('error.message.mismatch.newpassword', 'forms', null);
var result = {
currentPassword: profileForm.login.currentpassword.value,
newPassword: newPasswords.newpassword.value,
newPasswordConfirm: newPasswords.newpasswordconfirm.value,
profileForm: profileForm
if (profileForm.valid) {
this.on('route:BeforeComplete', function () { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow
var formInfo = res.getViewData();
var customer = CustomerMgr.getCustomerByCustomerNumber(
var status;
Transaction.wrap(function () {
status = customer.profile.credentials.setPassword(
if (status.error) {
if (!CustomerMgr.isAcceptablePassword(newPasswords.newpassword.value)) {
formInfo.profileForm.login.newpasswords.newpassword.valid = false;
formInfo.profileForm.login.newpasswords.newpassword.error =
Resource.msg('error.message.password.constraints.not.matched', 'forms', null);
} else {
formInfo.profileForm.login.currentpassword.valid = false;
formInfo.profileForm.login.currentpassword.error =
Resource.msg('error.message.currentpasswordnomatch', 'forms', null);
delete formInfo.currentPassword;
delete formInfo.newPassword;
delete formInfo.newPasswordConfirm;
delete formInfo.profileForm;
success: false,
fields: formErrors.getFormErrors(profileForm)
} else {
delete formInfo.currentPassword;
delete formInfo.newPassword;
delete formInfo.newPasswordConfirm;
delete formInfo.profileForm;
success: true,
redirectUrl: URLUtils.url('Account-Show').toString()
} else {
success: false,
fields: formErrors.getFormErrors(profileForm)
return next();
* Account-PasswordResetDialogForm : The Account-PasswordResetDialogForm endpoint is the endpoint that gets hit once the shopper has clicked forgot password and has submitted their email address to request to reset their password
* @name Base/Account-PasswordResetDialogForm
* @function
* @memberof Account
* @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
* @param {querystringparameter} - mobile - a flag determining whether or not the shopper is on a mobile sized screen
* @param {httpparameter} - loginEmail - Input field, the shopper's email address
* @param {category} - sensitive
* @param {returns} - json
* @param {serverfunction} - post
server.post('PasswordResetDialogForm', server.middleware.https, function (req, res, next) {
var CustomerMgr = require('dw/customer/CustomerMgr');
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
var accountHelpers = require('*/cartridge/scripts/helpers/accountHelpers');
var email = req.form.loginEmail;
var errorMsg;
var isValid;
var resettingCustomer;
var mobile = req.querystring.mobile;
var receivedMsgHeading = Resource.msg('label.resetpasswordreceived', 'login', null);
var receivedMsgBody = Resource.msg('msg.requestedpasswordreset', 'login', null);
var buttonText = Resource.msg('button.text.loginform', 'login', null);
var returnUrl = URLUtils.url('Login-Show').toString();
if (email) {
isValid = validateEmail(email);
if (isValid) {
resettingCustomer = CustomerMgr.getCustomerByLogin(email);
if (resettingCustomer) {
accountHelpers.sendPasswordResetEmail(email, resettingCustomer);
success: true,
receivedMsgHeading: receivedMsgHeading,
receivedMsgBody: receivedMsgBody,
buttonText: buttonText,
mobile: mobile,
returnUrl: returnUrl
} else {
errorMsg = Resource.msg('error.message.passwordreset', 'login', null);
fields: {
loginEmail: errorMsg
} else {
errorMsg = Resource.msg('error.message.required', 'login', null);
fields: {
loginEmail: errorMsg
* Account-PasswordReset : The Account-PasswordReset endpoint renders the forgot your password form that allows a shopper to submit their email address in order to request a password change
* @name Base/Account-PasswordReset
* @function
* @memberof Account
* @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
* @param {category} - sensitive
* @param {renders} - isml
* @param {serverfunction} - get
server.get('PasswordReset', server.middleware.https, function (req, res, next) {
res.render('account/password/requestPasswordReset', { mobile: true });
* Account-SetNewPassword : The Account-SetNewPassword endpoint renders the page that displays the password reset form
* @name Base/Account-SetNewPassword
* @function
* @memberof Account
* @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
* @param {middleware} - consentTracking.consent
* @param {querystringparameter} - Token - SFRA utilizes this token to retrieve the shopper
* @param {category} - sensitive
* @param {renders} - isml
* @param {serverfunction} - get
server.get('SetNewPassword', server.middleware.https, consentTracking.consent, function (req, res, next) {
var CustomerMgr = require('dw/customer/CustomerMgr');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
var passwordForm = server.forms.getForm('newPasswords');
var token = req.querystring.Token;
var resettingCustomer = CustomerMgr.getCustomerByToken(token);
if (!resettingCustomer) {
} else {
res.render('account/password/newPassword', { passwordForm: passwordForm, token: token });
* Account-SaveNewPassword : The Account-SaveNewPassword endpoint handles resetting a shoppers password. This is the last step in the forgot password user flow. (This step does not log the shopper in.)
* @name Base/Account-SaveNewPassword
* @function
* @memberof Account
* @param {middleware} - server.middleware.https
* @param {querystringparameter} - Token - SFRA utilizes this token to retrieve the shopper
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_newPasswords_newpassword - Input field for the shopper's new password
* @param {httpparameter} - dwfrm_newPasswords_newpasswordconfirm - Input field to confirm the shopper's new password
* @param {httpparameter} - save - unutilized param
* @param {category} - sensitive
* @param {renders} - isml
* @param {serverfunction} - post
server.post('SaveNewPassword', server.middleware.https, function (req, res, next) {
var Transaction = require('dw/system/Transaction');
var Resource = require('dw/web/Resource');
var passwordForm = server.forms.getForm('newPasswords');
var token = req.querystring.Token;
if (passwordForm.newpassword.value !== passwordForm.newpasswordconfirm.value) {
passwordForm.valid = false;
passwordForm.newpassword.valid = false;
passwordForm.newpasswordconfirm.valid = false;
passwordForm.newpasswordconfirm.error =
Resource.msg('error.message.mismatch.newpassword', 'forms', null);
if (passwordForm.valid) {
var result = {
newPassword: passwordForm.newpassword.value,
newPasswordConfirm: passwordForm.newpasswordconfirm.value,
token: token,
passwordForm: passwordForm
this.on('route:BeforeComplete', function (req, res) { // eslint-disable-line no-shadow
var CustomerMgr = require('dw/customer/CustomerMgr');
var URLUtils = require('dw/web/URLUtils');
var Site = require('dw/system/Site');
var emailHelpers = require('*/cartridge/scripts/helpers/emailHelpers');
var formInfo = res.getViewData();
var status;
var resettingCustomer;
Transaction.wrap(function () {
resettingCustomer = CustomerMgr.getCustomerByToken(formInfo.token);
status = resettingCustomer.profile.credentials.setPasswordWithToken(
if (status.error) {
passwordForm.newpassword.valid = false;
passwordForm.newpasswordconfirm.valid = false;
passwordForm.newpasswordconfirm.error =
Resource.msg('error.message.resetpassword.invalidformentry', 'forms', null);
res.render('account/password/newPassword', {
passwordForm: passwordForm,
token: token
} else {
var email = resettingCustomer.profile.email;
var url = URLUtils.https('Login-Show');
var objectForEmail = {
firstName: resettingCustomer.profile.firstName,
lastName: resettingCustomer.profile.lastName,
url: url
var emailObj = {
to: email,
subject: Resource.msg('subject.profile.resetpassword.email', 'login', null),
from: Site.current.getCustomPreferenceValue('customerServiceEmail') || '[email protected]',
type: emailHelpers.emailTypes.passwordReset
emailHelpers.sendEmail(emailObj, 'account/password/passwordChangedEmail', objectForEmail);
} else {
res.render('account/password/newPassword', { passwordForm: passwordForm, token: token });
* Account-Header : The Account-Header endpoint is used as a remote include to include the login/account menu in the header
* @name Base/Account-Header
* @function
* @memberof Account
* @param {middleware} - server.middleware.include
* @param {querystringparameter} - mobile - a flag determining whether or not the shopper is on a mobile sized screen this determines what isml template to render
* @param {category} - sensitive
* @param {renders} - isml
* @param {serverfunction} - get
server.get('Header', server.middleware.include, function (req, res, next) {
var template = req.querystring.mobile ? 'account/mobileHeader' : 'account/header';
res.render(template, { name:
req.currentCustomer.profile ? req.currentCustomer.profile.firstName : null
module.exports = server.exports();