Class LoopIterator
Iterator used in <ISLOOP> implementation. It defines properties used to determine loop status. LoopIterator object is assigned to variable declared in "status" attribute of the <ISLOOP> tag.
begin  :  Number  (Read Only)
Return begin iteration index. By default begin index is 0.
count  :  Number  (Read Only)
Return iteration count, starting with 1.
end  :  Number  (Read Only)
Return end iteration index. By default end index equals 'length - 1', provided that length is determined. If length cannot be determined end index is -1.
even  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Identifies if count is an even value.
first  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Identifies if the iterator is positioned at first iteratable item.
index  :  Number  (Read Only)
Return iteration index, which is the position of the iterator in the underlying iteratable object. Index is 0-based and is calculated according the following formula: Index = (Count - 1) * Step.
last  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Identifies if the iterator is positioned at last iteratable item.
length  :  Number  (Read Only)
Return the length of the object. If length cannot be determined, -1 is returned.
odd  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Identifies if count is an odd value.
step  :  Number  (Read Only)
Return iterator step.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getBegin() : Number
Return begin iteration index.
getCount() : Number
Return iteration count, starting with 1.
getEnd() : Number
Return end iteration index.
getIndex() : Number
Return iteration index, which is the position of the iterator in the underlying iteratable object.
getLength() : Number
Return the length of the object.
getStep() : Number
Return iterator step.
isEven() : boolean
Identifies if count is an even value.
isFirst() : boolean
Identifies if the iterator is positioned at first iteratable item.
isLast() : boolean
Identifies if the iterator is positioned at last iteratable item.
isOdd() : boolean
Identifies if count is an odd value.
Methods inherited from class Iterator
Method Detail
getBegin() : Number
Return begin iteration index. By default begin index is 0.
the begin iteration index.

getCount() : Number
Return iteration count, starting with 1.
the iteration count.

getEnd() : Number
Return end iteration index. By default end index equals 'length - 1', provided that length is determined. If length cannot be determined end index is -1.

getIndex() : Number
Return iteration index, which is the position of the iterator in the underlying iteratable object. Index is 0-based and is calculated according the following formula: Index = (Count - 1) * Step.
the iteration index.

getLength() : Number
Return the length of the object. If length cannot be determined, -1 is returned.
the length of the object

getStep() : Number
Return iterator step.
the iterator step.

isEven() : boolean
Identifies if count is an even value.
true if count is even, false otherwise.

isFirst() : boolean
Identifies if the iterator is positioned at first iteratable item.
true if the iterator is at first item, false otherwise.

isLast() : boolean
Identifies if the iterator is positioned at last iteratable item.
true if iterator is at last item, false otherwise.

isOdd() : boolean
Identifies if count is an odd value.
true if count is odd, false otherwise.