Class StatusItem
A StatusItem holds all the status information. Multi StatusItems are bundled together into a Status.
code  :  String
The status code is the unique identifier for the message and can be used by client programs to check for a specific status and to generate a localized message.
details  :  Map  (Read Only)
The optional details for this StatusItem.
error  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns whether this Status Item represents and error.
message  :  String
The default human readable message for this Status. Note: Custom code and client programs must not use this message to identify a specific status. The getCode() must be used for that purpose. The actual message can change from release to release.
parameters  :  List
The parameters to construct a custom message.
status  :  Number
The status.
Constructor Summary
Constructs a new OK StatusItem.
StatusItem(status : Number)
Constructs a new StatusItem with the given status.
StatusItem(status : Number, code : String)
Constructs a new StatusItem with the given status and code.
StatusItem(status : Number, code : String, message : String, parameters : Object...)
Constructs a new StatusItem with the given values.
Method Summary
addDetail(key : String, value : Object) : void
Add an additional detail to this StatusItem.
getCode() : String
The status code is the unique identifier for the message and can be used by client programs to check for a specific status and to generate a localized message.
getDetails() : Map
Returns the optional details for this StatusItem.
getMessage() : String
Returns the default human readable message for this Status.
getParameters() : List
Returns the parameters to construct a custom message.
getStatus() : Number
Returns the status.
isError() : boolean
Returns whether this Status Item represents and error.
setCode(code : String) : void
Method to set the status code.
setMessage(message : String) : void
Sets the default human readable message for this Status.
setParameters(parameters : Object...) : void
Sets the parameters for a custom message.
setStatus(status : Number) : void
Set the status.
Constructor Detail
public StatusItem()
Constructs a new OK StatusItem.

public StatusItem(status : Number)
Constructs a new StatusItem with the given status.
status - either Status.OK or Status.ERROR.

public StatusItem(status : Number, code : String)
Constructs a new StatusItem with the given status and code.
status - either Status.OK or Status.ERROR.
code - a string representing a more detailed status code, e.g. "IMPEX-120".

public StatusItem(status : Number, code : String, message : String, parameters : Object...)
Constructs a new StatusItem with the given values.
status - Status.OK or Status.ERROR.
code - a string representing a more detailed status code, e.g. "IMPEX-120".
message - a default human readable message
parameters - a list of parameters to construct a custom message

Method Detail
addDetail(key : String, value : Object) : void
Add an additional detail to this StatusItem.
key - the key for the detail.
value - the detail value.

getCode() : String
The status code is the unique identifier for the message and can be used by client programs to check for a specific status and to generate a localized message.
the status code.

getDetails() : Map
Returns the optional details for this StatusItem.
the optional details for this StatusItem.

getMessage() : String
Returns the default human readable message for this Status. Note: Custom code and client programs must not use this message to identify a specific status. The getCode() must be used for that purpose. The actual message can change from release to release.
the default human readable message for this Status.

getParameters() : List
Returns the parameters to construct a custom message.
the parameters to construct a custom message.

getStatus() : Number
Returns the status.
either Status.OK or Status.ERROR.

isError() : boolean
Returns whether this Status Item represents and error.
true is this item represents an error, false otherwise.

setCode(code : String) : void
Method to set the status code. The status code is the unique identifier for the message and can be used by client programs to check for a specific status and to generate a localized message.
code - the status code.

setMessage(message : String) : void
Sets the default human readable message for this Status.
message - the default human readable message for this Status.

setParameters(parameters : Object...) : void
Sets the parameters for a custom message.
parameters - the parameters for a custom message.

setStatus(status : Number) : void
Set the status.
status - either Status.OK or Status.ERROR.