Create Content Search Refinements

You can specify different search refinement options for the display of content by configuring content search refinements at the library folder level.

For each refinement, you can specify sorting mode and direction. If multiple refinements are defined, you can specify the order in which the refinements appear.
  1. Select site> > Merchant Tools > Content > Library Folder.

    If you see unavailable fields, you have read-only permission. You can browse libraries, search for content assets, and read content asset data. But you can't modify data in these modules. If you have mixed permission to access one module (via different roles), the higher-level access is granted. See your administrator if you require write access.

    Libraries, library folders, and content assets are organized in a hierarchy. The hierarchy prescribes that roles with Read or Write access for libraries, library folders, and content assets require the same access level.

  2. On the Library Folders page, click Edit for the folder that contains the content that requires search refinements.
  3. Select the Search Refinement Definitions tab.
  4. To create a search refinement definition, click New.
  5. On the New Search Refinement Definition page, provide the requested information:
    • The Attribute ID is the internal ID of the specific attribute and isn't applicable to folder refinements.
    • Refinement type Folder Refinement enables you to sort refinement values (folders) by their explicit position within the parent folder.

    • Cutoff Threshold is the number of refinement groupings to appear before the others are scrollable in the list box. Your developer must customization the template to use this option.
  6. Click Apply.