Manage Shipping Methods

Use Business Manager to create and manage the shipping methods available in your site, including tax classes, currency, order value, and shipping cost.

You can exclude products that can't be shipped with a particular shipping method, and you can exclude addresses that aren't used by a particular shipping method.
Note: If at least one product is excluded by the shipping method, the shipping method is not shown in the list of available shipping methods.

You can also create custom attributes of the ShippingMethod system object and localize them. The existing description and displayName attributes are also localizable.

  1. Select site > Ordering > Shipping Methods.
  2. Select a shipping method or click New.
  3. Select a language for the shipping method.
    Prices stay consistent between language changes. Changing the language does not create a method list.
  4. Enter a unique site-wide ID for the shipping method.
  5. Enter a descriptive name so that customers know what type of shipping method is available.
  6. Enter an optional description.
  7. To make the shipping method available on the site, select Enabled.
  8. To make this shipping method the default when a customer doesn't choose a method, select Default .
  9. To save definition steps, select another shipping method to base the one you’re editing on.
  10. Select a tax class.
  11. Select a currency.
    This field is enabled only if the multi-currency feature is available, or if the multi-currency feature is disabled but shipping methods with multiple currencies are already created. If you don't specify a currency, the default currency for the site is used.
  12. Click Apply.
  13. Enter shipment costs.
    1. For each scaled shipping entry, enter the minimum shipment value to apply the shipment charge. To specify a flat rate for all shipments, enter 0 as the value.
    2. Enter the shipment cost for the specified value. For example, for all shipments with a value of zero and above (that is, all orders), the cost to ship is the fixed price of $12.95.
  14. Enter product fixed costs.
    You can define charges for specific product groups. To bill fixed shipping costs for a shipment that contains only fixed shipping cost items, define a shipping cost entry of Shipment Value:0 and Shipment Cost:0. You can also add an entry of Shipment Value:0.01 and a Shipment Cost of your choice.
    1. Specify the product groups that use the specified shipping method. If the product isn't assigned to the storefront catalog, an error occurs.
    2. Enter the shipping cost to apply to each product group.

    This example shows defining a shipping charge only for TVs with a diagonal size of 55 inches.

    1. Under the Product Group heading, click Edit.
    2. Click Add (to add another part to the rule that is in an AND relationship with the first part; click Add Include to create another qualification rule that is joined to the first by OR).
    3. Click Select Qualifier and then Diagonal Size from the list of custom attributes.
    4. Click Operator (equals).
    5. Click in the Value field and enter 55.
    6. Click Save.

    The two qualifying statements are combined to be one statement that defines a shipping cost on all TVs that have a diagonal size of 55 inches.

    To add another shipping cost for another group of products, click Add in the Product Fixed Cost section. Adding another shipping cost creates OR statements between the rules.

  15. Define surcharge shipping costs for specific product groups.
    1. In the Product Surcharge Cost section, Click Add.
    2. In the Product Group column, click Edit.
    3. In the pop-up window under Included Products, set the Qualifier, Operator, Value, and if applicable, the Catalog for the product group to which the surcharge is added.
    4. To add another product group, click Add or Add Include.
    5. To exclude items that are a subset of the product group from receiving the surcharge, click Add Exclude and set the Qualifier, Operator, Value, and if applicable, the Catalog for the excluded product group.
    6. Click Save.
    7. In the Shipping Cost column, enter the surcharge amount for the specified product group.
    8. Click Apply.
  16. To exclude products from the shipping method, define a product blocklist by listing products and product groups in the Product Exclusion pop-up. For each product or product group, you set a Qualifier, Operator, Value, and when applicable a Catalog.
    Note: You can also add products and define rules to form a product allowlist. See Step 17.
    1. From the Exclusion, Excluded Products section, click Edit.
    2. In the pop-up window, click Add Include.
    3. Set the Qualifier, Operator, Value, and if applicable, the Catalog for the excluded products.
    4. To exclude another product or product group, click Add and repeat the steps.
    5. Click Save.
    6. To apply the change to the shipping method, click Apply
  17. To add excluded products to the shipping method, define a product allowlist by listing products and product groups in the Product Exclusion pop-up. For each product or product group, you set a Qualifier, Operator, Value, and when applicable a Catalog.
    Note: You can think of this step as taking a product off the blocklist and adding that product to the shipping method. For example, your blocklist for free shipping includes all TVs. Your site is running a free shipping promotion for Brand–XYZ 55 TV. You remove Brand–XYZ 55 TV from the blocklist and the Brand–XYZ 55 TV qualifies for the free shipping method.
    To add products to the allowlist.
    1. From the Exclusions, Excluded Products section, click Edit.
    2. In the pop-up window, click Add Exclude.
    3. Set the Qualifier, Operator, Value, and if applicable, the Catalog for the excluded products.
    4. To add another product or product group, click Add and repeat the steps.
    5. Click Save.
    6. To apply the change to the shipping method, click Apply
  18. To exclude addresses from the shipping method, define an address blocklist by listing addresses and address criteria in the Address Exclusion pop-up. For each address, you set a Qualifier, Operator, Value, and when applicable a Catalog.
    Note: You can also add addresses and define rules to form an address allowlist. See Step 19.
    1. From the Exclusion, Excluded Addresses section, click Edit.
    2. In the pop-up window, click Add Include.
    3. Set the Qualifier, Operator, Value, and if applicable, the Catalog for the excluded products.
    4. To exclude another address or address group, click Add and repeat the steps.
    5. Click Save.
    6. To apply the change to the shipping method, click Apply
  19. To add excluded addresses to the shipping method, define an address allowlist by listing addresses address-criteria in the Address Exclusion pop-up. For each address, you set a Qualifier, Operator, Value, and when applicable a Catalog.
    Note: You can think of this step as taking an address off the excluded list and adding that address to the shipping method. For example, you have a PO box shipping method the excludes all boxed item shipments to PO box addresses. You want to allow shipments to PO boxes managed by Company–X. Company–X accepts boxed shipments for PO box renters.
    To add addresses to the allowlist.
    1. From the Exclusions, Excluded Addresses section, click Edit.
    2. In the pop-up window, click Add Exclude.
    3. Set the Qualifier, Operator, Value, and if applicable, the Catalog for the excluded products.
    4. To add another address or address group, click Add and repeat the steps.
    5. Click Save.
    6. To apply the change to the shipping method, click Apply
  20. To restrict the shipping method to specific customer groups, click Edit in the Customer Groups section.
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