Promotions Dashboard Metric Definitions

Use the Promotions Dashboard to evaluate promotion performance or individual promotion results. The Promotions Dashboard shows you reports on the Most Used Promotions, Total Promotion Discount, Promotion Combination, the Average Order Discount, Used by Promotion Class and Revenue Impact by Promotion Discount.

Business Metrics

Each Section of the promotions dashboard tracks a mix of business metrics that are displayed as dashboard attributes.

This table describes the metrics for the Promotions dashboard.

Metric Description
Uses The number of times a promotion applies a discount to orders.

If a promotion allows for more than one application in an order, The reported uses can include multiple applications of that promotion in a single order.

For example, a product class promotion counts for two uses in a single order when the order contains two different products that both qualify for the promotion. If the two products are the same SKU, and they appear as a single line item in the order, the promotion is only applied once, to the line item, and is reported as one use.

Discount The amount of discount applied by the promotion.
Total Promotion Discount

The sum of all discounts applied to all orders. Applied discounts include automated product, order, and shipping discounts, and manual price adjustments. For example, a discount offered by a customer service agent.

Average Total Promotion Discount Shown as a daily average. The average of all discounts applied to orders created in the selected time period. For example, the daily average for the past seven days is calculated as:Total Promotion Discount / 7
Promotion Combination Frequency The percentage of all orders to which the same two promotions are applied.
Average Order Discount The average discount applied to orders.

For example,

Discount applied to all orders / Number of orders
Most Used Coupons

The number of times a coupon is combined with a promotion as the promotion qualifier, and is applied to an order.

Note: The metric reports on promotion uses when the coupon was the qualifier and not coupon redemptions.
Revenue Impact The value of goods and services discounted by the promotion.
  • Product Class Promotions

    Revenue for product class promotions is calculated using the value of the goods and services the promotion is applied to.

  • Order and Shipping Class Promotions

    Revenue for order and shipping class promotions is calculated using the value of the order.

Note: When multiple promotions are applied to an order, the value of the affected goods and services is prorated uniformly between those promotions, ensuring the same revenue is not attributed to more than one promotion.

Promotions Detail

This table describes the supporting metrics for the Promotion Detail dashboard.

Metric Description

The number of times a promotion applies a discount to orders.

If a promotion allows for more than one application in an order, The reported uses can include multiple applications of that promotion in a single order.

For example, a product class promotion counts for two uses in a single order when the order contains two different products that both qualify for the promotion. If the two products are the same SKU, and they appear as a single line item in the order, the promotion is only applied once, to the line item, and is reported as one use.

Number of Orders

The number of orders that received a discount from the promotion.

Number of Units

The number of product or service units discounted by the promotion. The number of units for Product class promotions is the sum of the units to which the promotion is applied. The number of Order and shipping class promotions is the sum of units in the order to which the promotion is applied.

Note: If the order contains two or more units of the same SKU listed as one line item, all the units are attributed to the product promotion even if only one was discounted. For example, a BOGO promotion
Average Unit Revenue The average revenue generated per unit. Calculated as: Revenue Impact / Number of Units
Average Unit Discount The average unit discount applied by the promotion. Calculated as: Total Promotion Discount / Number of Units
Total Promotion Discount The sum of all the promotion discounts applied to orders.
Average Promotion Discount The average daily discount applied by the promotion to orders. Calculated as: Total Promotion Discount / Number of Days in Selected Time Period
Top Products Using the Promotion The products and services to which the promotion is most often applied.
  • Product Class Promotions

    Reports the products and services to which the promotion is most often applied.

  • Order and Shipping Class Promotions

    Reports the product and services most often included in orders to which the promotion is applied.

Co-Promotion Frequency The percentage of orders to which the promotion was applied and the second (listed) promotion was also applied.
Revenue Impact The value of goods and services discounted by the promotion.
  • Product Class Promotions

    Revenue for product class promotions is calculated using the value of the goods and services the promotion is applied to.

  • Order and Shipping Class Promotions

    Revenue for order and shipping class promotions is calculated using the value of the order.

Note: When multiple promotions are applied to an order, the value of the affected goods and services is prorated uniformly between those promotions, ensuring the same revenue is not attributed to more than one promotion.

Source Code

This table describes the metrics for the Promotions Source Code dashboard.

Metric Description
Activations The number of times the source code group was activated. A source code group is activated when the site is accessed using a source code from that group.
Orders The number of orders created with this source code group.
Merchandise Total The merchandise value from orders created with this source code group.
Average Merchandise Total per Usage The average merchandise value per source code activation. Calculated as: Merchandise Total / Activations.
Average Merchandise Total per Order The average merchandise value per source code order. Calculated as: Merchandise Total / Orders.
Items Per Order The average number of items per source code order.
Order Conversion The conversion rate of the source code group. Calculated as: Orders / Activations.
Active Source Code A source code enabled and scheduled at the time of the activation. For example, live source code is activated.
Inactive Source Code A source code that was disabled or not scheduled at the time of the activation. For example inactive source code is not activated.
Invalid Source Code A source code that was referenced in the source code parameter of the URL, but does not exist in Business Manager.


This table describes the promotion summary metrics for the Promotions Conversions dashboard.

Metric Description
Visits Visits with at least one promotion of specified promotion class applied.
Orders An order with more than one class of promotion applied is tracked under each applicable class. An order with more than one promotion of a single class applied is still tracked as one order under the applicable class.
Order Conv Number of Orders / Number of Visits
Merch Total Total value of merchandise (excluding tax and shipping) of all orders to which the promotion class is applied.
Avg Merch Total per Order Merchandise Total / Number of Orders
Avg Merch Total Per Visit Merchandise Total / Number of Visits
Items per Order Average number of items across all orders to which the promotion class was applied.
Promo Merch Total Promotional Merchandise Total: Total value of merchandise (excluding tax and shipping) discounted by all promotions by promotion class. The value of any merchandise discounted by promotions from more than one class is tracked under each applicable class.
Avg Promo Merch per Order Promotional Merchandise Total / Number of Orders
Avg Merch per Visit Promotional Merchandise Total / Number of Visits
Shipping Total Total value of shipping from all orders to which the promotion class was applied.
Discount Total Total discount value applied to orders by promotion class.
Avg Disc per Order Discount Total / Number of Orders
Avg Disc per Visit Discount Total / Number of Visits
Avg Promo Items per Order Average number of items discounted by promotion class.

This table describes the promotion details metrics for the Promotions Conversions dashboard.

Metric Label Description
Campaign ID The campaign ID
Site The site selected in the dashboard filters.
Promotion ID The promotion ID
Visits A promotion visit is tracked when the promotional discount is activated and is dependent on the setup of the promotion and its qualifiers.
Orders Total number of orders placed with the promotion and campaign. A single order with multiple promotions is tracked against each applicable promotion.
Order Conv Number of Orders / Number of Visits
Merch Total Total value of merchandise excluding tax and shipping of all orders placed with the promotion and campaign. Hover over # Orders definition for details.
Avg Merch Total per Order Merchandise Total / Total Orders
Items per Order Average number of items across all orders placed with the promotion and campaign.
Promo Merch Total Promotional Merchandise Total: Total value of merchandise (excluding tax) discounted by the promotion and campaign. The value of any merchandise discounted by more than one promotion is tracked on each promotion.
Discount Total Total discount value applied to orders by the promotion and campaign.

Promotion Dashoard and CSV File Metrics

These tables show the relationship between the Promotion dashboard report metrics and the date points listed their corresponding CSV file downloads.

Most Used Promotions and most_used_promotions_by_date <date>.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Promotion ID npromotionId
Class promotionClass
Uses uses
Discount std_totalDiscountโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_totalDiscountโ€“when filtered by sites.

Device deviceTypeโ€“when By Device Type is selected from the dropdown.
Customer registerdโ€“Registrationโ€“when By Customer Registration is selected from the dropdown.
Customer firstTimeBuyerโ€“when By Customer is selected from the dropdown.
Channel channelโ€“when By Channel is selected from the dropdown.
  siteโ€“when By Site is selected from the dropdown.

Total Promotion Discount and total_promotion_discount.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Total Promotion Discount std_totalDiscountโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_totalDiscountโ€“when filitered by site.






Average Discount std_averageOrderDiscountโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_averageOrderDiscountโ€“when filtered by site.

Total Discount std_totalDiscountโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_totalDiscountโ€“when filtered by site.

Most Used Coupons and most_used_coupons.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Coupon ID couponId
Promotion ID promotionId
Uses uses

Promotion Combination and combination_frequency.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Promotion ID promotionOneName


Class promotionOneClass


Frequency combinationFrequencyRatio

Average Order Discount and total_promotion_discount.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Average Order Discount ste_averageOrderDiscount-when filtered by realm.

ste_averageOrderDiscount-when filtered by site.

Used by Promotion Class and uses_by_promotion_class.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Order usesRatio
Product UsesRatio
Shipping UsesRatio

Revenue Impact By Promotion Discount and revenue_impact_by_discount.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Promotion npromotionId
Class PromotionClass
Revenue std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site.

Discount std_totalDiscountโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_totalDiscountโ€“when filtered by site.

Promotions Details

Total Promotions Discount and promotions-promotion-most-purchased-products.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Total Promotion Discount std_totalDiscountโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_totalDiscountโ€“when filtered by site.

Co-Promotion Frequency and promotions-promotion-co-use-confindence.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
ID promotionTwoId
Class promtionTwoClass
Frequency confidenceRatio

Revenue Impact and CVS promotions-promotion-most-purchased-products.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Total Revenue std_totalRevenue-when filterd by realm.

ste_totalRevenueโ€“when filtered by site.

Average Revenue std_avgUnitRevenueโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_avgUnitRevenueโ€“when filtered by site.

Top Products Using the Promotion and promotions-promotion-most-purchased-products.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Id nproductID
Name ProductDisplayName
Units unitsPurcahsed
Revenue std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site.

Discount std_discountโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_discountโ€“when filtered by site.

Average Promotion Discount and promotions-promotion-most-purchased-products.csv

Note: Average Promotions Discount and Top Products Using the Promotion generate CSV files with the same name. However, these two files are populated with different data sets and are not identical.
Report Metric CSV Data Point
Average Promotion Discount std_averageUnitDiscountโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_averageUnitDiscountโ€“when filtered by site.

Promotions Source Code Dashboard

Source Code Activations and source-code_groups.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Active Source Codes status


std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site

Inactive Source Codes status


std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site

Invalid Source Codes activations

std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site

Source Code Orders and source-code_groups.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Active Source Codes status


std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site

Inactive Source Codes status


std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site

Invalid Source Codes activations

std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site

Source Code Order Conversion Results and source-code_groups.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Active Source Codes status


std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site

Inactive Source Codes status


std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site

Invalid Source Codes activations

std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site

Conversion of Source Codesโ€“Activ, Inactive, Invalid and source-code_groups

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Group group
Site site
Orders orders
Merchandise Total std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site.

Average Merchandise Per Usage activations

std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site.

Average Merchandise Total Per Order orders

std_revenueโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered by site.

Items Per Order orders


Order Conversion activations


Promotion Conversion Dashboard

Conversion Rate and promotions-conversion-by.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Conversion Rate date



Conversion Summary and promotion-conversion-summary.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Visits visits
Orders orders
Order Conversion orders


Merchandise Total std_merch_totalโ€“when filtered for realm.

ste_merch_totalโ€“when filtered for site.

Average Merchandise Total Per Order order

std_merch_totalโ€“when filtered for realm.

ste_merch_totalโ€“when filtered for site.

Average Merchandise Total Per Visit visits

std_merch_totalโ€“when filtered for realm.

ste_merch_totalโ€“when filtered for site.

Items Per Order orders


Promo Merchandise Total std_promo_impacted_merchandise_valueโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_promo_impacted_merchandise_valueโ€“when filtered by site.

Average Promo Merchandise Per Order order

std_merch_totalโ€“when filtered for realm.

ste_merch_totalโ€“when filtered for site.

Average Promo Merchandise Per Visit visit

std_merch_totalโ€“when filtered for realm.

ste_merch_totalโ€“when filtered for site.

Shipping Total std_total_shippingโ€“when filtered for realm.

ste_total_shippingโ€“when filtered for site.

Discount Total std_total_discountโ€“when filtered for realm.

ste_total_dicsountโ€“when filtered for site.

Average Discount Per Order Orders

std_total_discountโ€“when filtered for realm.

ste_total_discountโ€“when filtered for site.

Average Discount Per Visit visits

std_total discountโ€“when filtered by realm.

ste_total_discountโ€“when filtered by site.

Average Promotion Items Per Order orders


Conversion Detailsz-Orders, Product, Shipping, Unknown and promotion-conversion-by-promotion.csv

Report Metric CSV Data Point
Campaign ID campaign_Id
Site site
Promotion ID promotion_Id
Visits visits_with_promotion_count
Orders orders_with_promotin_count
Order Conversion visits_with_promotion_count


Merchandise Total std_order_netโ€“when filter for realm.

ste_order_netz-when filtered for site.

Average Merchandise Total Per Order Orders

std_order_netโ€“when filtered for realm.

ste_order_netโ€“when filtered for site.

Items Per Order units_per_order
Promo Merchandise Total std_revenueโ€“when filtered for realm

ste_revenueโ€“when filtered for site.

Discount Total std_discountโ€“when filtered for realm.

ste_discountโ€“when filtered for site.

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