Basket View

Use basket view to configure the entire basket view.

  • Widget basket_shipments

    Shows the shipments including the items grid and the drop area for multi shipments if enabled.

    "basket_shipments" : {
       "type" : "basket_shipments"
    Note: You can use the DefaultShipment data provider to configure the default shipment as a gift and add a gift message. You can use DefaultShipment in any of the customization pages, as long as a basket is available.
  • Widget order_totals

    Displays all basket (future order) prices.

    "order_totals" : {
      "type" : "order_totals"
  • Widget basket_coupons

    Captures coupons and source codes and display application status.


    Name Type Description
    type enum (coupon, source_code, both) Controls whether the widget track coupons only, source codes only or both.
    "basket_coupons" : {
      "type" : "basket_coupons",
      "config": { "type" : "both"}
    "basket_coupons" : {
      "type" : "basket_coupons",
      "config": { "type" : "coupon"}
    "basket_coupons" : {
      "type" : "basket_coupons",
      "config": { "type" : "source_code"}