SlotConfigurationSearch resource (Data API 23.2)
Http Method | Resource | Description |
POST | /sites/{site_id}/slot_configuration_search |
Searches for slot configurations. The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search. Attributes are grouped into different buckets. These are the list of searchable attributes with their corresponding buckets: Main:
Only fields in the same bucket can be joined using a disjunction (OR). For instance, when joining context and description above, only a conjunction is allowed (AND), whereas context and slot_id can be joined to each other using a disjunction because they are in the same bucket. If the field is used in a disjunction (OR) that violates this rule, an exception will be thrown. |
Search Slot Configurations
Searches for slot configurations.
The query attribute specifies a complex query that can be used to narrow down the search. Attributes are grouped into different buckets. These are the list of searchable attributes with their corresponding buckets:
- configuration_id - String
- default - Boolean
- description - String
- enabled - Boolean
- context - String
- slot_id - String
Only fields in the same bucket can be joined using a disjunction (OR). For instance, when joining context and description above, only a conjunction is allowed (AND), whereas context and slot_id can be joined to each other using a disjunction because they are in the same bucket. If the field is used in a disjunction (OR) that violates this rule, an exception will be thrown.
POST https://hostname:port/dw/data/v23_2/sites/{site_id}/slot_configuration_search
json, xml
Name | Description |
OAuth | Authentication via OAuth token. |
Request Document
Response Document
Path Parameters
Parameter | Type | Description | Constraints |
site_id | String | The site context. |
In case of a failure Fault Document is returned.
Status | Type | Arguments | Description |
400 | TypeMissmatchException |
field (String) |
Indicates that the value to search with does not match the type of the search field. |
POST /s/-/dw/data/v23_2/sites/SiteGenesis/slot_configuration_search HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer a5b6eb0d-8312-41a3-88f3-2c53c4507367
Accept: application/json
"query" : {
"text_query": {
"fields": ["configuration_id", "description"],
"search_phrase": "header_banner_html"
"select" : "(**)"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
"_v" : "23.2",
"_type" : "slot_configuration_search_result",
"count" : 1,
"hits" :
"_resource_state" : "860cde3040519cce439cd99e209f8a87c3ad0b7e2813edbf6f5501f763b73bd5",
"default":"some message",
"de-DE":"Deutsche Nachricht",
"en-US":"US american message"
"description":"slot configuration description",
"link":: ""
"default":"<html>HTML content</html>",
"de-DE":"<html>HTML Inhalt</html>",
"en-US":"<html>HTML content</html>"
"select" : "(**)",
"start" : 0,
"total" : 1