URL Evaluation and Resolution for Legacy Search-Friendly URLs

This topic assumes that the legacy feature for search-friendly URLs is enabled and that the URL Rules module is disabled. If you are a new customer, Salesforce recommends that you use the URL Rules module.

You can check whether the URL Rules module is enabled by selecting site > Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Storefront URLs. When a customer enters a URL into their browser navigation bar, Salesforce B2C Commerce evaluates the URL and resolves it in the following sequence:

  1. If the entered URL matches a host name in the host alias file, the host name to site mapping is processed by the B2C Commerce server.
    Note: The alias file-mapping rules are not applied at this point.

    The locale is resolved.

    See also URL Rules page Settings tab and Using the SEO URLs Settings Tab.

  2. URL is processed.
    1. SEO Support URLs are rewritten into standard pipeline URLs
    2. URL redirects are executed
    3. if the pipeline exists, pipeline URLs are executed
    4. otherwise, fall back to Mapping Rules. The URL handling (dynamic/static) has not changed from previous versions.
    5. if no static or dynamic mapping rules exist, a 404 page is returned for the URL.

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URL Syntax