Configure a Coupon

To issue a coupon with a specific code, configure single-code coupons. To issue a coupon with multiple codes, configure a multiple-code coupon.

You can also configure a series of system-generated coupon codes. You can specify system-generated coupon code preferences in Business Manager.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > Coupons.
  2. On the Coupons page, search for a coupon or navigate the grid to select one.

    Search by coupon name or description.

    Select 10, 25, 50, or 100 items to appear on a page.

    To perform standard actions such as opening the selection in a new tab or window, right-click links on this grid.

  3. To search by coupon codes across sites, click Search Codes. We recommend searching for codes across all sites you have permissions for, to see all the coupons that are owned by and shared to your site.
    1. On the Coupon Codes page, select all sites from the dropdown list to the left of the search field.
    2. Click Apply.
    3. Enter an exact coupon code in the search field.
    4. Press Enter or click the search icon.
    5. In the grid, click the coupon ID.
    6. On the Edit Coupon page, you can edit the coupon.
    7. Click Save to save your changes.
    8. To return to the Coupons page, click the Coupons breadcrumb.
  4. On the Coupons page, you can filter your view by coupons that are enabled or disabled.
    1. To filter by enabled or disabled, click the filter icon, select Enabled, and then Yes or No.
    2. To filter by coupon type, click the filter icon, select Coupon Type, and then Single Code, Multiple Codes, or System-Generated Codes.

    The filter appears beside the search field (or wraps). To delete a filer, click the filter's close icon.

  5. Sort the coupons by clicking the headers.
  6. To delete a coupon, select the checkbox beside a coupon and click Delete.
  7. To view all redemptions, click the Redemptions button.
  8. To create a coupon, click New.
    1. On the New Coupon window, enter an ID.
    2. Select if the coupon is case-sensitive.

      No is the default.

      With case-insensitive coupon codes, the shopper can enter codes in either case.

      Case-insensitive lookup for codes uses the site's default locale for character conversion, because some characters must be treated in a locale-specific way. When the default locale is changed to or from certain locales, codes with characters in those locales can behave differently. For example, codes containing the Turkish 'i' can behave differently.

    3. Select the coupon type as follows:

      Single Code (merchant-defined): Specify:

      • Coupon Code: The coupon code as entered by the merchant or as generated by an external system (must be unique per site), for example FREESHIP14. This value is what you share with customers through marketing campaigns.

      Multiple Codes (merchant-defined): No additional settings.

      System-generated: Specify:

      • Number of Codes: Enter the number of codes to create.
      • Coupon Prefix: Enter the prefix to be used by this set of coupon codes.
    4. Click Save.

      Navigation tabs appear on the left: General, Coupon Codes, Assignments, and Redemptions.

  9. To edit a coupon, click a coupon ID.

    Navigation tabs appear on the left: General, Coupon Codes, Assign to Campaign, and Redemptions.

  10. On the General tab:

    You can't change the coupon ID, case sensitivity, and coupon type.

    1. Add a description.
    2. To let customers redeem the coupon, enable it.
    3. Specify redemption limits:

      Per Coupon Code: How many times a coupon code can be redeemed (in total). This number is usually large for single-code coupons. This number is usually one for multiple code coupons.

      Per Customer: Number of times this coupon can be redeemed per customer (as represented by an email address).

      Per Time Period: Number of times a customer can redeem a coupon (as represented by an email address) within a given time period. The time period is in days and is a rolling window. For example, if the limit is 1 per week and the customer uses the coupon on the 16th, the customer can use the coupon again on the 23rd.

      Note: The lower limit of per customer per time period applies. For example, if the maximum per customer is 10 and the maximum per week is 2, the customer can spread the use of the coupon over 5 weeks.

      Per Order: number of redemptions per order as follows:

      • Once Per Order: Only a single code for a specific coupon can be added to a basket
      • Multiple Per Order: The coupon can be added to a basket multiple times, once for each distinct coupon code.
    4. Click Save.

      The Coupons page opens, showing the new coupon in the list.

  11. On the Coupon Codes tab.
    Coupon codes only display fully if you have permission to view coupon codes. Otherwise the codes are masked. Contact your Salesforce Administrator for help if you need to see coupon codes. See Functional Permissions.
    1. For system-generated codes, view the coupon codes.
    2. For merchant-defined multiple codes, you can add or edit coupon codes.

      Enter a new code and click Add. Repeat as many times as necessary to define all the required codes.

    3. Click Save.

      The Coupons page opens.

  12. To assign a coupon to a campaign, on the Assignment to Campaign tab:
    1. Click Assign to associate this coupon code with a campaign.
    2. On the Assign a Campaign page, search for a campaign and select one or more campaigns.
    3. Click Assign.
    4. Click Save.

      The Coupons page opens.

  13. To unassign a coupon to a campaign, on the Assignment to Campaign tab:
    1. Select all, one or multiple campaigns.
    2. Click Unassign.
    3. Click Save.
  14. On the Redemptions tab, the following are grid headers:
    • Order Number: Order number in which the coupon code was redeemed
    • Time: Time the coupon was redeemed
    • Customer: Email address of the customer who redeemed the coupon
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