PromotionCampaignAssignment document (Data API 23.2)

(supports custom properties)

Document representing a promotion campaign assignment.

Property Type Constraints Description
campaign Campaign   The campaign
campaign_id String maxLength=256, minLength=1 The id of the campaign.
coupons [String]   The sorted array of assigned coupon ids.
coupons_based Boolean   True if the assigned promotion is coupon based. When set to false, Coupons in the campaign and on the PromotionCampaignAssignment are ignored. The default value is true.
customer_groups [String]   The sorted array of assigned customer groups.
customer_groups_based Boolean   True if the assigned promotion is customer group based. When set to false, Customer Groups in the campaign and on the PromotionCampaignAssignment are ignored. The default value is true.
description String maxLength=4000, minLength=0 The description of the promotion campaign assignment.
enabled Boolean   True if the assignment resource is enabled
link String   link for convenience
promotion Promotion   The promotion
promotion_id String maxLength=256, minLength=1 The id of the Promotion.
rank Integer   The rank of promotion campaign assignment
required_qualifier Enum {any, all}   A constant indicating that one or all qualifier conditions must be met in order for the promotion to apply for a given customer. Valid values are "any" and "all".
schedule Schedule   The schedule of the assignment resource
source_code_based Boolean   True if the assigned promotion is source code group based. When set to false, Source Code Groups in the campaign and on the PromotionCampaignAssignment are ignored. The default value is true.
source_code_groups [String]   The sorted array of assigned source code groups.
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