Create a Campaign

A campaign acts as a wrapper for your promotions and qualifiers. When you create a campaign, you can define a schedule and qualifiers for an entire group of promotions or slot configurations.

All experiences within the campaign, such as promotions, slot configurations, and sorting rules, inherit the details that are defined in the campaign. You can override or refine all of these inherited details, except for enablement status.

Tip: We recommend including promotions with similar schedules in the same campaign. If you have a promotion that doesn't share characteristics with any other promotion, consider putting it in a separate campaign.
  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Online Marketing > Campaigns.
    To view the promotion and content slot assignments and a graph of the schedule timelines, click the plus icon.
  2. Click New.
  3. Define general information.
    When a campaign is disabled, all the promotions within it are also disabled.
  4. Specify the campaign dates or select No Start Date or No End Date.
    If no dates are scheduled, the campaign runs indefinitely.
  5. To refine who can use the campaign and how they can trigger it, assign qualifiers.
  6. Click Add Experience, select the experiences that you want to include, and click Apply.
    1. If you added a slot configuration, modify the schedule and assign customer groups.
    2. If you added a promotion, modify the schedule and assign qualifiers from the campaign page. You can enable or disable promotions and source codes, and change promotion exclusivity from within the experience.
    3. If you added a sorting rule, select which categories the sorting rule affects
  7. Click Apply.
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