Inventory Dashboard

Use the B2C Commerce Inventory Dashboard to tracks inventory movement, in the Salesforce Omnichannel Inventory (OCI) service, by stock keeping unit (SKU). The metrics provide a view of your inventory that you can use to maintain inventory that meets customer demand.

Note: The Inventory dashboard aggregates data drawn from the Salesforce OCI service. The dashboard is only populated for B2C Commerce customers with an OCI license.

For example, merchandisers can use the dashboard metrics to manage product inventory levels and to identify products to stop selling or to promote to maximize sales. Inventory managers can follow inventory trends and optimize stock levels with metric-based inventory forecasting.

Dashboard Metrics

The dashboards aggregate inventory data by Location Group and Location. Hourly and Daily data reflects what’s happening within the Omnichannel inventory service. Location Group and Location metrics vary slightly.

  • Location Group: A location group provides an aggregate view of inventory availability across the locations in the group.

    Hourly and Daily Location Group Data

    • Most Recent 48 hrs of Data (hourly only): A rolling dataset updated every hour.
    • SKUs With Reserved Quantity (Group Reservations): Inventory added to a storefront cart or an order when it’s created. The count reflects increments from reservations and decreases from moving the reservations to locations for fulfillment.

      When an item is added to a shopping cart or an order, the item quantity is subtracted from the available to order (ATO) and available to fulfill (ATF) totals. Because the item quantity reduces the total quantity available, a reservation guarantees that the item quantity is available at checkout and that the order can be fulfilled.

    • On Hand Quantity (Group On-hand): The number of items physically in a warehouse or stock location. The count reflects the increments occurring from:
      • Inventory updates received from external inventory sources for a collection of locations.
      • Decreases from items fulfilled at a collection of locations.
    • Available to Order(ATO): The number of items available to order (Quantity on Hand + Future Inventory - Quantity Reserved - Safety Stock). Future quantity is the number of items on order. If the item availability is zero, a reservation can’t be made and the product can’t be added to a shopping cart or an order.
    • Available to fulfill (ATF): The number of items available to fulfill orders (Quantity on Hand - Quantity Reserved - Safety Stock).
  • Location: A location represents a physical location such as a distribution center or store where inventory is available for fulfilling orders. You can assign a location to one or more location groups based on your fulfillment process.

    Hourly and Daily Location Data

    • Most Recent 48 hrs of Data (hourly only): A rolling dataset updated every hour.
    • SKUs With Reserved Quantity (Group Reservations): Inventory added to a storefront cart or an order when it’s created. The count can reflect increments from location-level reservations (BOPIS), increments resulting from a move from a group to a location, or a decrease resulting from fulfillment.

      When an item is added to a shopping cart or an order, the item quantity is subtracted from the ATO and ATF totals. Because the item quantity reduces the total quantity available, a reservation guarantees that the item quantity is available at checkout and that the order can be fulfilled.

    • On Hand Quantity (Group On-hand): The number of items physically in a warehouse or stock location. The count reflects the increments occurring from:
      • Inventory updates received from external inventory sources for a specific location.
      • Decreases from items fulfilled at a specified location.
    • Available to Order(ATO): The number of items available to order (Quantity on Hand + Future Inventory - Quantity Reserved - Safety Stock). Future quantity is the number of items on order. If the item availability is zero, a reservation can’t be made and the product can’t be added to a shopping cart or an order.
    • Available to fulfill (ATF): The number of items available to fulfill orders (Quantity on Hand - Quantity Reserved - Safety Stock).

Dashboard Reports

The dashboards aggregate inventory data by Location-Group and Location. Hourly and Daily data reflects what’s happening within the Omnichannel inventory service.


The Inventory dashboard aggregates your inventory data by location group and location. The results are shown in three dashboards.

  • Last 48 Hours Per group: The dashboard shows inventory data for a location group over the last 48 hours. You can’t modify the 48-hour period. You can select the location group that data is displayed for. The dataset in the dashboard reports update every hour.
  • Daily Per Group: The dashboard shows inventory data for a location-group. To configure the dashboard, you can select a location group, set a date range, and set filters.
  • Daily Per Location: The dashboard shows the Inventory data for all groups in a location. You can set a date range and filters for the dashboard. The dashboard adopts the location from the location group set in other tabs. If a location isn’t selected the dashboard defaults to the first location.


Each Inventory dashboard includes five reports. The data views for each report are aggregated for the tab profile. The reports include:

  • SKUs with Reserved Quantity: Use this report to review SKUs with the highest and lowest number of reservations. Consider reserved quantity trends as you evaluate the SKUs you want to promote, replenish, or discontinue.
  • On-Hand SKUs: To optimize SKU procurement, evaluate on-hand SKU levels. Use on-hand SKU trends to improve demand forecasts for location-groups and locations.
  • Available to Fulfill: To maintain sufficient stock quantities so an item is available at checkout, analyze ATF trends. Use ATF, on-hand, and reserved quantity metrics to forecast and maintain optimum ATF stock levels.
  • Available to Order: Use this report to monitor and maintain optimum ATO stock levels for customer orders.
  • Inventory Over Time Per SKU: Use this report to evaluate all the report metrics per SKU. Evaluate trends for a SKU, and fine-tune procurement and merchandising strategies for the SKUs.

For each SKU listed in a report, the report shows:

  • SKU: The Stock Keeping Unit assigned to the product.
  • Product: The Product Number.
  • # Reserved: The number of products reserved.
  • Trendline: A line graph showing the hourly or daily change during the report period.
  • % Delta: The percent difference between the first and last point on the trendline. For example, on the Last 48 hours Per Group tab, the percent delta is the percent change over the past 48 hours.
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