Class ObjectAttributeDefinition
Represents the definition of an object's attribute.
Boolean value type.
VALUE_TYPE_DATE  :  Number = 6
Date value type.
Date and Time value type.
VALUE_TYPE_EMAIL  :  Number = 12
Email value type.
VALUE_TYPE_ENUM_OF_INT  :  Number = 31
Enum of int value type.
Enum of String value type.
VALUE_TYPE_HTML  :  Number = 5
HTML value type.
VALUE_TYPE_IMAGE  :  Number = 7
Image value type.
VALUE_TYPE_INT  :  Number = 1
int value type.
VALUE_TYPE_MONEY  :  Number = 9
Money value type.
VALUE_TYPE_NUMBER  :  Number = 2
Number value type.
Password value type.
Quantity value type.
VALUE_TYPE_SET_OF_INT  :  Number = 21
Set of int value type.
Set of Number value type.
Set of String value type.
VALUE_TYPE_STRING  :  Number = 3
String value type.
VALUE_TYPE_TEXT  :  Number = 4
Text value type.
attributeGroups  :  Collection  (Read Only)
All attribute groups the attribute is assigned to.
defaultValue  :  ObjectAttributeValueDefinition  (Read Only)
Return the default value for the attribute or null if none is defined.
displayName  :  String  (Read Only)
The display name for the attribute, which can be used in the user interface.
ID  :  String  (Read Only)
The ID of the attribute definition.
key  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Identifies if the attribute represents the primary key of the object.
mandatory  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Checks if this attribute is mandatory.
multiValueType  :  boolean  (Read Only)

Returns true if the attribute can have multiple values.

Attributes of the following types are multi-value capable:

Additionally, attributes of the following types can be multi-value enabled:

objectTypeDefinition  :  ObjectTypeDefinition  (Read Only)
The object type definition in which this attribute is defined.
setValueType  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Returns true if the attribute is of type 'Set of'.
Use isMultiValueType() instead.
system  :  boolean  (Read Only)
Indicates if the attribute is a pre-defined system attribute or a custom attribute.
unit  :  String  (Read Only)
The attribute's unit representation such as inches for length or pounds for weight. The value returned by this method is based on the attribute itself.
values  :  Collection  (Read Only)
The list of attribute values. In the user interface only the values specified in this list should be offered as valid input values. The collection contains instances of ObjectAttributeValueDefinition.
valueTypeCode  :  Number  (Read Only)
A code for the data type stored in the attribute. See constants defined in this class.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getAttributeGroups() : Collection
Returns all attribute groups the attribute is assigned to.
getDefaultValue() : ObjectAttributeValueDefinition
Return the default value for the attribute or null if none is defined.
getDisplayName() : String
Returns the display name for the attribute, which can be used in the user interface.
getID() : String
Returns the ID of the attribute definition.
getObjectTypeDefinition() : ObjectTypeDefinition
Returns the object type definition in which this attribute is defined.
getUnit() : String
Returns the attribute's unit representation such as inches for length or pounds for weight.
getValues() : Collection
Returns the list of attribute values.
getValueTypeCode() : Number
Returns a code for the data type stored in the attribute.
isKey() : boolean
Identifies if the attribute represents the primary key of the object.
isMandatory() : boolean
Checks if this attribute is mandatory.
isMultiValueType() : boolean

Returns true if the attribute can have multiple values.

isSetValueType() : boolean
Returns true if the attribute is of type 'Set of'.
isSystem() : boolean
Indicates if the attribute is a pre-defined system attribute or a custom attribute.
requiresEncoding() : boolean
Returns a boolean flag indicating whether or not values of this attribute definition should be encoded using the encoding="off" flag in ISML templates.
Method Detail
getAttributeGroups() : Collection
Returns all attribute groups the attribute is assigned to.
all attribute groups the attribute is assigned to.

getDefaultValue() : ObjectAttributeValueDefinition
Return the default value for the attribute or null if none is defined.
the default value for the attribute or null if none is defined.

getDisplayName() : String
Returns the display name for the attribute, which can be used in the user interface.
the display name for the attribute, which can be used in the user interface.

getID() : String
Returns the ID of the attribute definition.
the ID of the attribute definition.

getObjectTypeDefinition() : ObjectTypeDefinition
Returns the object type definition in which this attribute is defined.
the object type definition in which this attribute is defined.

getUnit() : String
Returns the attribute's unit representation such as inches for length or pounds for weight. The value returned by this method is based on the attribute itself.
the attribute's unit representation such as inches for length or pounds for weight.

getValues() : Collection
Returns the list of attribute values. In the user interface only the values specified in this list should be offered as valid input values. The collection contains instances of ObjectAttributeValueDefinition.
a collection of ObjectAttributeValueDefinition instances representing the list of attribute values, or null if no values are specified.

getValueTypeCode() : Number
Returns a code for the data type stored in the attribute. See constants defined in this class.
a code for the data type stored in the attribute. See constants defined in this class.

isKey() : boolean
Identifies if the attribute represents the primary key of the object.
true if the attribute represents the primary key, false otherwise.

isMandatory() : boolean
Checks if this attribute is mandatory.
true, if this attribute is mandatory

isMultiValueType() : boolean

Returns true if the attribute can have multiple values.

Attributes of the following types are multi-value capable:

Additionally, attributes of the following types can be multi-value enabled:

true if attributes can have multiple values, otherwise false

isSetValueType() : boolean
Returns true if the attribute is of type 'Set of'.
Use isMultiValueType() instead.

isSystem() : boolean
Indicates if the attribute is a pre-defined system attribute or a custom attribute.
true if the the attribute is a pre-defined system attribute, false if it is a custom attribute.

requiresEncoding() : boolean
Returns a boolean flag indicating whether or not values of this attribute definition should be encoded using the encoding="off" flag in ISML templates.
a boolean flag indicating whether or not values of this attribute definition should be encoded using the encoding="off" flag in ISML templates.