Specify Customer Service Center Settings

For an agent to use Customer Service Center, permissions must be granted.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Customer Service Center Preferences.
  2. Select the image view type to use in Customer Service Center.
  3. Select the product search image view types.
  4. Check whether to allow multiple shipments per basket or order.
  5. Specify the Storefront Hostname and Storefront Path.
    You can use Storefront Hostname and Storefront Path to define a custom storefront URL that Customer Service Center uses to open the storefront. A Storefront Path can only be set if a Storefront Hostname is also set. Storefront Hostname is instance-specific. You can define the settings in the Staging environment and replicate them to the Production environment.
    Note: A Storefront Path can only be set if a Storefront Hostname is also set.
  6. Click Submit.