Configure Facebook Dynamic Ads

B2C Commerce enables you to write catalog feed files in a Facebook supported format. You can customize feed exports by using hooks, which you implement in a custom cartridge you create. Typically, products feeds reach Facebook Business Manager within 24 hours.

Note: Configure at least one product feed to enable Facebook integration; the Run Now button does not appear until you create a feed.
Important: B2C Commerce injects the Facebook Pixel only if the site is online. If the site is offline or password protected, the Facebook Pixel is not injected.
  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Site Preferences > Facebook.
  2. Check Enable Integration.
  3. Enter your site information.
    Option Description
    Facebook Business ID ID of the Facebook business account, listed as "Business Manager ID" in Facebook Business Manager on the Business Info tab. You can create a Facebook Business Manager account at You select the Business ID from a list.
    Facebook Page ID The ID of the merchant's Facebook page. Provide an existing Facebook page to create a Facebook product catalog in Business Manager. Facebook limitation is one Page ID per Facebook product catalog. Facebook supports multiple product catalogs per page, but only one page per product catalog. You select the Page ID from a list.
    Facebook Pixel ID ID of the Facebook Pixel to inject in pages for the site. You create the Pixel ID in Facebook Ads Manager on the Facebook Pixel tab at Listed when you click View Pixel Code in Facebook Ads Manager on the Facebook Pixel tab. Facebook limitation is one Pixel ID per Facebook Ads account. You select the Facebook Pixel from the list.
    Automatically inject Facebook Pixel Code in Site If you already instrumented your storefront to use a Facebook Pixel, previous to implementing Commerce Cloud Facebook Dynamic Ads integration, and only want to export the product catalog without Commerce Cloud injecting Facebook Pixel code in your storefront then uncheck this option.

    Enable Site Products for Feed by default?

    If all products for the site are enabled for Facebook feed, export by default. When unchecked, you explicitly configure which products are enabled for the site. When checked, you can configure which products are disabled for the site.

    When checked, products which are disabled explicitly at site level are ignored in the Facebook feed. This flag doesn't override the site specific value for Facebook Enabled: attribute on product.

    Product Image View Type Both DIS and external images are supported, as long as the product image model is used. Legacy thumbnail or alternative image sources like custom attributes are supported, but require custom code.

    If you don't enter a view type, or you enter a view type for which products don't have images of that type, those products are without images in the feed. Facebook skips products in the feed that are missing images. You can create custom code by writing a hook that sets the desired image for some or all products.

    Note: Ensure that the type matches the types in the catalog.
    Color Variation Attribute ID Both local and shared variation attributes are supported through this configuration; use of two or more variation attributes requires custom code.
    Size Variation Attribute ID Both local and shared variation attributes are supported through this configuration; use of two or more variation attributes requires custom code.
    Material Variation Attribute ID Both local and shared variation attributes are supported through this configuration; use of two or more variation attributes requires custom code.
    Pattern Variation Attribute ID Both local and shared variation attributes are supported through this configuration; use of two or more variation attributes requires custom code.
    Notification Email Address Email address to send status of catalog feed.
    Notification Status Select the job statuses for which to receive feed job notifications. The choices are error, exception, and success, similar to the notification choices for custom jobs.
    Start Time Time of day, in site time zone, to run the Facebook catalog feed export.

    To run a feed immediately, click Run Now. This feature is intended for testing changes to catalog data and custom hook implementations as part of feed development; the button isn't available on Production instances.

    Feed ID Appears after B2C Commerce creates the product feed.
    Facebook Product Catalog ID Appears after B2C Commerce creates the catalog.
    Facebook Product Feed ID Appears after B2C Commerce creates the product feed.
    Country Code Two-digit country code where the products in the Facebook product feed for the Facebook product catalog can be sold. There is only one Facebook page per site.
    Product Link Redirect Action Select whether shoppers who click Facebook Dynamic Ads view the product page or add the product to the cart by default. URL parameters added when creating the ad in Facebook are now preserved in the redirect URL. As previously, you can provide custom links in the Facebook feed to override the default behavior.
    Channel Type Select either Facebook Ads or Instagram Commerce.
    Ensure that products that are enabled, online, have both pricing and a Product Image View Type specified to be able to create a product feed.
  4. Click Submit.
  5. To run a feed immediately, click Run Now.
    When you run a feed, Business Manager shows the status of the product feed, including the number of products in the Facebook catalog, and any errors or warnings raised by Facebook for the products in the feed. The errors and warnings include the cause of the problem and how to fix them. Typically, any product with an error is not exported. Files with warnings are often exported, but still need attention.
  6. To download the most recent export log file, click Download Log File.
  7. To configure a feed:
    1. Click + next to the existing feed tabs.
    2. Enter the Feed ID.
    3. Select the Channel Type, which specifies whether the feed is for use in Facebook or Instagram.
    4. Enter the Facebook Product Feed ID.
    5. Select the Country Code.
    6. Select the Product Redirect Action, which specifies whether to add the product to the cart or show the Product Detail Page when the customer clicks the product link.
    7. Click Submit.
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