Assignment document (Data API 23.2)

Document describing a single assignment.

Property Type Constraints Description
all_qualifier_required Boolean   Whether all qualifier required or not.
assigned_sites [String] mandatory=true, maxItems=20, minItems=1, nullable=false A list of sites assigned to Assignment
description String mandatory=true, maxLength=4000, minLength=1, nullable=false The description.
enabled Boolean   Whether assignment is enabled or not.
end_date DateTime   The date that the Assignment ends.
experiences [AssignedExperiences] mandatory=true, maxItems=20, minItems=1, nullable=false  
id String mandatory=true, minLength=1, nullable=false The assignmetn ID.
qualifiers [AssignedQualifiers] maxItems=20, minItems=1  
start_date DateTime   The date that the Assignment begins.
X OCAPI versions 15.x and 16.x will be retired on March 31, 2021. For dates and more information, see the OCAPI versioning and deprecation policy and this Knowledge Article.