
Name Description
CancelOrder This pipelet cancels a previously created order.
CreateGiftCertificate CreateGiftCertificate attempts to create a GiftCertificate using the required and optional input parameters.
CreateOrder This pipelet creates and places an Order from the specified Basket.
CreateOrder2 This pipelet creates an Order based on the specified Basket.
CreateOrderNo Return the next available sequential order number.
GetGiftCertificate Retrieves the gift certificate instance identified by given ID (gift certificate code).
GetOrder Finds the Order for the given order document number specified by OrderNo.
PlaceOrder This pipelet places an order after payment has been authorized.
RedeemGiftCertificate Attempts to redeem an amount from a GiftCertificate.
ReserveInventoryForOrder This pipelet is used in the order creation pipeline to reserve inventory for all products contained in the specified Basket.