(static) Base/Error-ErrorCode()
Error-ErrorCode : This endpoint can be called to display an error from a resource file
Type | Description |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
httpparameter |
err - e.g 01 (Error Code mapped in the resource file appended with 'message.error.') |
category |
non-sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get/post |
(static) Base/Error-Forbidden()
Error-Forbidden : This endpoint is called when a shopper tries to access a forbidden content. The shopper is logged out and the browser is redirected to the home page
Type | Description |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
category |
non-sensitive |
serverfunction |
get |
(static) Base/Error-Start()
Error-Start : This endpoint is called when there is a server error
Type | Description |
middleware |
consentTracking.consent |
httpparameter |
error - message to be displayed |
category |
non-sensitive |
renders |
isml |
serverfunction |
get/post |