SDAPI Pagination 2.0

The Script Debugger API uses paging whenever it accesses a collection of Object Member resource instances. Paging enables the API to return data in chunks, instead of returning a complete collection all at once. You explicitly configure paging by providing values for the start and count parameters:

  • start: Specifies the start location of the chunk within the collection of resource elements. Valid values range must be at least 0; the default value is 0. The start location is not a page number; it is the position of the start element within the entire collection.
  • count: Specifies the number of resource instances to return in each chunk. Valid values range from 1 to 200; the default value is 200.

The start and count parameters are optional

In the following example, a Object Members request yields a collection of 30 total resource instances. The start property specifies that the requested chunk should start at position 15, and the count element specifies that the chunk should contain at most 30 resource instances. The response also contains the total property that identifies the total number of results that satisfied the request.

GET /s/-/dw/debugger/v1_0/thread/2/frame/0/members?object_path=b.productLineItems.[1]&start=15&count=30 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=UTF-8
			{"name":"lastModified","parent":"productLineItems","type":"java.util.Date","value":"Tue Nov 10 21:00:19 GMT 2015"},
			{"name":"lineItemCtnr","parent":"productLineItems","type":"dw.order.Basket","value":"[Basket uuid=bcwbIiWaYNNEoaaadoUaAVmTkX]"},
			{"name":"lineItemText","parent":"productLineItems","type":"String","value":"Platinum Blue Stripes Easy Care Fitted Shirt "},
			{"name":"minOrderQuantity","parent":"productLineItems","type":"dw.value.Quantity","value":"Quantity: value=1, unit="},
			{"name":"optionProductLineItems","parent":"productLineItems","type":"dw.util.Collection","value":"[Collection id=1332927407]"},
			{"name":"priceAdjustments","parent":"productLineItems","type":"dw.util.Collection","value":"[Collection id=1609064674]"},
			{"name":"product","parent":"productLineItems","type":"dw.catalog.Variant","value":"[Variant sku=008884303996]"},
			{"name":"productName","parent":"productLineItems","type":"String","value":"Platinum Blue Stripes Easy Care Fitted Shirt "},
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