Quota Log Files

Quota log files aggregate quota messages over a set period. Messages are written when the warn threshold or limit of a quota is exceeded.

The code location of the most recent event is written to the log file. The code locations of the aggregated events aren’t exposed. Quota log files show information about the location where a quota-warn threshold or limit was exceeded. The information includes the site name, job name, and top pipeline name. Additional information is sometimes included about the executed pipelet, script, pipeline node, and template.

Quota log files use this general format:

  • a timestamp
  • the thread name (contains type of request, site, pipeline name, and other parameters)
  • the actual message

This format produces log entries such as the following:

[2012-05-23 13:00:22.577 GMT] [RequestHandlerServlet|14320460|Sites-SiteGenesis-Site|Product-Show|
Quota api.jsStringLength (enforced, warn 600000, limit 1000000): warn threshold exceeded 1 time(s),
max actual was 600010, current location: request/site Sites-SiteGenesis-Site/top pipeline Product-Show/
interaction node/template refapp.default_.CustomDisplay

This section of the entry is the timestamp:

[2012-05-23 13:00:22.577 GMT]

This section of the entry is the internal reference:


This section of the entry is the message:

Quota api.jsStringLength (enforced, warn 600000, limit 1000000): warn threshold exceeded 1 time(s),
max actual was 600010, current location: request/site Sites-SiteGenesis-Site/top pipeline
Product-Show/interaction node/template refapp.default_.CustomDisplay

The message contains details to help identify problems. You can see:

  • If a quota is enforced or not enforced
  • If applicable, the warn threshold
  • The limit
  • The number of times since the last log entry for this quota that the warn threshold or limit was exceeded
  • The highest observed reading (max actual)
  • The current location, which shows where the warn threshold or limit was exceeded
Note: Read-only quotas don't have a warn threshold or limit, for example, Quota [email protected] (enforced).
Notifications pending to read 9