Updating Indexes

If you change your search configuration, you must rebuild the appropriate index to see the changes in your storefront.

When you configure or change You must rebuild
Active data Active data index
Availability information Nothing. This is automatic.
Common phrases Product index, Content index
Compound words Product index, Content index
Content attributes Content index, Spelling index, Suggest index
Hypernym dictionary Synonym index
Product attributes Product index, Spelling index, Suggest index
Search redirects Nothing. This is automatic.
Search suggestions Suggest index
Stop words Product index, Content index
Synonym dictionary Synonym index

If more than one index is selected for rebuilding, the search indexes are rebuilt in the order they are listed in Business Manager: site > Merchant Tools > Search > Search Indexes. This is because some search indexes rely on other indexes as input and so must be rebuilt in the correct order.

For example, the suggest index relies on a product index. The rebuild of the dependent index runs once the main index rebuild has finished. If you choose to rebuild multiple indexes separately, make sure to run the rebuilding in the order that the indexes are listed in order to make sure that you see the correct changes in your storefront.

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