A/B Testing Metrics

When you configure an A/B test, you specify the key metric that is most important to you, among the metrics collected from test participant activity.

Salesforce B2C Commerce A/B testing collects the following metrics:

Metric Description
Baskets Number of sessions where one or more products were added to the basket
Basket Rate Baskets per visit.
Adds to Baskets Number of products added to the basket
Average Adds per Basket Average number of products added per basket
Units Added to Baskets Number of product units added to the basket
Average Units Added per Basket Average number of units added per basket
Checkouts* Number of checkouts started
Checkout Rate* Checkouts per visits
Orders Number of orders placed
Conversion Rate Orders per visits
Units Number of units in placed orders
Average Units per Order Average number of units in placed orders
Revenue revenue of placed orders
Average Revenue per Visit Average revenue of placed orders per visit
Average Order Value Average amount of revenue per placed order in site currency
Sales Velocity Units per test length in hours
Total Discount Amount Total amount of promotion discounts applied in placed orders
Discount Amount with Coupon Total amount of coupon promotion discounts in placed orders
Average Discount Amount with Coupon Average amount of coupon promotion discounts applied per placed order
Discount Amount without Coupon Total amount of non-coupon promotion discounts in placed orders
Average Discount Amount without Coupon Average amount of non-coupon promotion discounts applied per placed order
Note: *You must add the StartCheckout pipelet to the checkout pipeline to capture the checkout metrics. Otherwise, they remain at 0.
Note: When a site supports multiple currencies, active data raw values are collected across all sessions, regardless of session currency. Salesforce B2C Commerce converts currency values into the site's default currency. If an order is placed in the context of an A/B test, A/B test statistics reflect the converted monetary value.

A/B testing metrics are updated within 10 minutes on a Production instance. A daily update to Staging runs overnight. This setting isn't configurable.

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