Using Locales Beyond a Different Language

You can use different templates for different locales, even though the locales share the same language. You can also share templates between different locales with the same language.

For example, a company set up a multi-site environment with three sites:

  • United States
  • Great Britain
  • Ireland

Select the correct locale for each site: en_US for the US, en_GB for the UK and en_IE for Ireland. All main templates are shared between these locales. You can implement country-specific changes to each site, for example, show the different country icons in the top left-hand corner of the Welcome page.

To achieve this effect, use three welcome templates with three different images or logos. Store the welcome.isml template in different folders specific for each locale:

Note: The characters, xx_XX represent a combination of the language and the country. For example, en_US represents the English (en) language spoken in the USA (US), while en_IE represents the English language (en) spoken in Ireland (IE). Likewise, de_DE represents the German language (de) spoken in Germany (DE), while de_AT represents the German language (de) spoken in Austria (AT).
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