Class PriceBook
Represents a price book.
currencyCode  :  String  (Read Only)
The currency code of the price book.
description  :  String  (Read Only)
The description of the price book.
displayName  :  String  (Read Only)
The display name of the price book.
ID  :  String  (Read Only)
The ID of the price book.
online  :  boolean  (Read Only)
The online status of the price book. The online status is calculated from the online status flag and the onlineFrom onlineTo dates defined for the price book.
onlineFlag  :  boolean  (Read Only)
The online status flag of the price book.
onlineFrom  :  Date  (Read Only)
The date from which the price book is online or valid.
onlineTo  :  Date  (Read Only)
The date until which the price book is online or valid.
parentPriceBook  :  PriceBook  (Read Only)
The parent price book.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
getCurrencyCode() : String
Returns the currency code of the price book.
getDescription() : String
Returns the description of the price book.
getDisplayName() : String
Returns the display name of the price book.
getID() : String
Returns the ID of the price book.
getOnlineFlag() : boolean
Returns the online status flag of the price book.
getOnlineFrom() : Date
Returns the date from which the price book is online or valid.
getOnlineTo() : Date
Returns the date until which the price book is online or valid.
getParentPriceBook() : PriceBook
Returns the parent price book.
isOnline() : boolean
Returns the online status of the price book.
Methods inherited from class ExtensibleObject
Methods inherited from class PersistentObject
Method Detail
getCurrencyCode() : String
Returns the currency code of the price book.
Currency code of the price book

getDescription() : String
Returns the description of the price book.
Currency code of the price book

getDisplayName() : String
Returns the display name of the price book.
Display name of the price book

getID() : String
Returns the ID of the price book.
ID of the price book

getOnlineFlag() : boolean
Returns the online status flag of the price book.
the online status flag of the price book.

getOnlineFrom() : Date
Returns the date from which the price book is online or valid.
the date from which the price book is online or valid.

getOnlineTo() : Date
Returns the date until which the price book is online or valid.
the date until which the price book is online or valid.

getParentPriceBook() : PriceBook
Returns the parent price book.
Parent price book

isOnline() : boolean
Returns the online status of the price book. The online status is calculated from the online status flag and the onlineFrom onlineTo dates defined for the price book.
The online status of the price book.