Assign a Price Book to a Site

For a Price Book to be effective in the storefront, it must be assigned to a site.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Products and Catalogs > Price Books.

    If you see unavailable fields, you have read-only permission. You can search for price book data and view details. You can't modify, delete, or create price books. If you have mixed permission to access one module (via different roles), the higher-level access is granted. See your administrator if you require write access.

    For read-only access, the role stills need the functional permissions, either Manage_PriceBooks (for all price books globally) or Manage_Site_PriceBooks.

  2. On the Price book page, click a price book link to select a price.
  3. On the Site Assignments tab for the price book, select the site to which you want to assign the price book.
  4. Click Apply.
    You can assign a price book to more than one site at a time. And you can assign more than one price book to a site as long as the currencies are the same.
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