Assign a Price Adjustment Limit

You can assign limits per user for manual price adjustments in Business Manager. You can select a context of one, multiple, or all sites for which the limits apply.

You can access limits programmatically via the Script API, dw.order.LineItemCtnr.verifyPriceAdjustmentLimits().

A price adjustment limits violation check is done during manual price adjustment creation by OCAPI, as follows:

POST /baskets/\{basket_id\}/price_adjustments

Price adjustment limits are imported and exported through the site import/export.

  1. Select Administration > Organization > Roles and Permissions > and select Administrator.
  2. On the Price Adjustment Limits tab, select the context in which you want to assign permissions.
  3. Click Apply.
  4. To add a limit, click Add.
  5. On the Add Price Adjustment Limit window, select a type (Item, Shipping, or Order), a currency, and a value.
    Price adjustment limits validation considers only the access roles with price adjustment permissions configured. Only price adjustment limits that are assigned to an access role with a specific type of price adjustment permission are considered when a manual price adjustment is validated. The type of price adjustment permission, item, order, or shipping, depends on the type of the manual price adjustment. To prevent all users with access to a role from creating unlimited manual item price adjustments, define price adjustment limits to access roles with an item, order, or shipping price adjustment permission.
  6. To change the context, click Select Context.
    When you change context from one to multiple sites, for example, you can see unassigned limits.
  7. To assign a limit, select the limit by checking the box and click Update.
  8. To unassign a limit, deselect the limit by unchecking box and click Update.
  9. To revert changes, click Revert before you click Update.
    When you click Update, your changes can't be reverted.
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