Variation Attribute Values

You define the variation products for a base product by creating a variation attribute.

While all products can share an attribute, such as color, the actual values of the attribute can differ depending on the product. For example, not all products are available in the same colors. A variation attribute uses an attribute definition, such as color, and a list of values for that attribute, such as red, blue, and green. If you define a shared variation attribute, you can use the same values for any number of products. If you define a local variation attribute, the values are only available in the product in which they are defined.

Base products A and B use the Winter Colors shared variation attribute values. Base product C has a local variation attribute with a different color set that can only be used with that product. Shared variation attributes are defined at the catalog level. Each base product can only have one set of values for each variation attribute. For example, one set of colors for the product. For this reason, you can only select one variation attribute (Winter Colors) based on a specific attribute definition (color) for a base product.

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