Class ABTestMgr
Manager class used to access AB-test information in the storefront.
assignedTestSegments  :  Collection  (Read Only)
Return the AB-test segments to which the current customer is assigned. AB-test segments deleted in the meantime will not be returned.
Constructor Summary
This class does not have a constructor, so you cannot create it directly.
Method Summary
static getAssignedTestSegments() : Collection
Return the AB-test segments to which the current customer is assigned.
static isParticipant(testID : String, segmentID : String) : boolean
Test whether the current customer is a member of the specified AB-test segment.
Method Detail
static getAssignedTestSegments() : Collection
Return the AB-test segments to which the current customer is assigned. AB-test segments deleted in the meantime will not be returned.
unordered collection of ABTestSegment instances representing the AB-test segments to which the current customer is assigned.

static isParticipant(testID : String, segmentID : String) : boolean
Test whether the current customer is a member of the specified AB-test segment. This method can be used to customize the storefront experience in ways that are not supported using Business Manager configuration alone.
testID - The ID of the AB-test, must not be null.
segmentID - The ID of the segment within the AB-test, must not be null.
true if the current customer is a member of the specified AB-test segment, false otherwise.