Sales and Product Data Subject Areas

Use the data dimensions and measures to analyze order insights and Product insights.

Order Insightsβ€”Analyze sales and business performance details. For example, find out how many orders were placed during a promotion, the order channels that produced the highest gross merchandise value, or which percentage of orders were from returning customers.

Attribute (Dimension) Description
Order Placed Date Calendar date when an order is placed
Site Name Name of the site where an order is placed
Device Type Device type used to place an order
Order Channel Channel from where an order originates Channels include Storefront, Endless Aisle, and Customer Service Center.
Business Channel Business channel from where an order originates The business channels are B2C or B2B.
Customer Type Customer type: New or Returning

Returning customers have placed one or more registered orders.

Customer Registration Site registration status of a customer
  • Registered–Customers who placed an order with a registered account
  • Unregistered–Customers who placed an order without using a registered account
Realm Currency Currency used for all currency measures
Metric (Measure) Description Type
Units Sold Number of units sold Units
GMV Total value of all transactions for products and services Shipping and handling charges, and taxes that are part of a transaction, are excluded from GMV. Currency
Orders Placed Total number of orders Units
Tax Tax liability for sales Currency
Shipping Total shipping costs before discounts are added Currency
Promotional Order Discounts Sum of all order class promotion discounts Currency
Promotional Shipping Discounts Sum of all shipping class promotion discounts Currency
Promotional Product Discounts Sum of all product class promotion discounts Currency
Total Promotional Discounts Sum of all discounts applied to all orders

Applied discounts include automated product, order, and shipping discounts.

Total Manual Discounts Sum of all manual price adjustment discounts Currency
Total Discounts Sum of all discounts applied to all orders

Applied discounts include automated product, order, and shipping discounts, and manual price adjustments.


Product Insightsβ€”Analyze aspects of product performance. For example, you can isolate the top-10 selling products over the past 7 days or list the top-3 order channels used by registered shoppers.

Attribute (Dimension) Description
Order Placed Date Calendar date when an order is placed
Site Name Name of the site where an order is placed
Device Type Device type used to place an order
Order Channel Channel from where an order originates Channels include Storefront, Endless Aisle, and Customer Service Center.
Business Channel Business channel from where an order originates The business channels are B2C or B2B.
Customer Type Customer type: New or Returning

Returning customers have placed one or more registered orders.

Customer Registration Site registration status of a customer
  • Registered–Customers who placed an order with a registered account
  • Unregistered–Customers who placed an order without using a registered account
Realm Currency Currency used for all currency measures
Product ID Product ID
Product Name Product name
Product Bundle True if the product is a product bundle
Base Product True if the product is a base product
SKU Name Product SKU name
Metric (Measure) Description Type
Units Sold Number of units sold Units
GMV Total value of all transactions for products and services Shipping and handling charges, and taxes that are part of a transaction, are excluded from GMV. Currency
Orders Placed Total number of orders Units
Tax Tax liability for sales Currency
Promotional Product Discounts Sum of all product class promotion discounts Currency
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