Create a Product Set

You can configure a group of products to appear on a storefront as a product set.

  1. Select site > Merchant Tools > Products and Catalogs > Product Sets > Product set.
  2. On the Product Sets Search page, you can search for one or more products sets by:
    • Entering a product name or ID and clicking Find.
    • Clicking Find with no name or ID entry to see a list of all product sets.
    • Clicking the Advanced or By ID buttons.
  3. To create a new product set, click New.
    If you see unavailable fields, you have read-only permission. See your administrator if you need write access.
  4. On the New Product Set page, on the General tab, specify the following:
    • ID
    • Catalog
    • Tax Class
    • Online/offiline, from and to dates
    • Searchable
    • Name and description (use the HTML editor)
    • Product details (use the HTML editor)
  5. Click Apply. The other tabs are now active.
  6. Click the Categories tab. Use this tab to:
    • Define categories for a product set.
    • Set a Classification category to define the attributes of the product set. You can select only one.
    • Set a Primary category to define the attributes that appear when the product is accessed from outside a category. For example, based on a direct search or a product number or ID. You can select only one.
  7. On the Product Sets page, click the Categories tab, click the Products tab, and select the products to be included in the product set.
    When using product sets in searches, it's important to understand how the searchable flag relates to the online flag.
    • A product set appears in search results only if its searchable flag is true and it's online. A product set is online if it's also online and at least one product within the set is also online. The online/offline setting takes precedence over the searchable setting.
    • If there is a match to itself or any online product within the set, an online and searchable product set appears in search results. The search results return the product set regardless of the included products searchable flag settings.
    • If its searchable flag is set to false, a product set isn't searchable.
  8. On the Product Sets page, click the Products tab, click the Recommendations tab, and specify the products that appear as recommendations with this product set.
  9. On the Recommendations tab, to create recommendations:
    1. To select a catalog click New.
    2. Click Next >> to specify the recommendation type.
    3. Click Next >> and select one or more products, using search if necessary.
    4. Click Finish.
    5. Click Edit for each recommendation (on the Recommendation tab) to define each recommendation.
    6. Sort the recommended products so they appear in the order you want.
  10. Click the Active Data tab and view the active data for the current product.