Value Calculation for Active Data

Base product calculations ignore variations that have null or stale data when calculating the value of an attribute. Sliced variation calculations ignore sliced variations that have null or stale data when calculating the value of an attribute.

Value Calculation for Attributes with Null Values

Product sets ignore products in the set with null or stale data when calculating the value of an attribute. Null data isn't the same as a 0.0 value. If a 0.0 value is provided as current data, it's included in the calculation.

For example, to calculate the cost price for a base product with five variation products, where only four have data, divide the sum of those four variation products by four.

Base Product MP-1
Var-1: Cost Price = $40.00
Var-2: Cost Price = $40.00
Var-3: Cost Price = $40.00
Var-4: Cost Price = $0.00 

Average online variation product for MP-1 =  
sum(CostPrice, varriation product) / count(variation products)
($40.00 + $40.00 $40.00 + $0.00) / 4 = $30.00 

Active Data Attributes

Salesforce B2C Commerce calculates active data attributes that are not imported from other available attributes.

There are two exceptions to active data attribute calculations.

  1. B2C Commerce does not compute values for custom attributes of active data system objects (ProductActiveData) that are not assigned to a category. Without the category assignment, the base product active data customer attribute value is set to value = 0.
  2. The active data custom attribute value for a base product is not calculated when its variation products have slicing configured. Including when the base product is assigned to a category. For example:
    • The variation product active data custom attribute has a value, but the base product has a value = 0
    • The variation product active data customer attribute has a value but slicing prohibits the value from showing on the storefront.

The following table shows the calculation formulas.

Sorting Attribute Type Standard or Bundle Main Product Set Slicing Variation Group
AvailableDate Date

Active Data Value (user-provided)

Active Data Value (user-provided)

Active Data Value (user-provided)

Active Data Value from Main  (user-provided) Active Data Value (user-provided)
AvgGrossMarginPercent Double AvgGrossMarginValue / AvgSalesPrice * 100.0 AvgGrossMarginValue / AvgSalesPrice * 100.0

AvgGrossMarginValue / AvgSalesPrice * 100.0

Value from Main AvgGrossMarginValue / AvgSalesPrice * 100.0
AvgGrossMarginValue Double AvgSalesPrice - CostPrice AvgSalesPrice - CostPrice

AvgSalesPrice - CostPrice

Value from Main AvgSalesPrice - CostPrice
AvgSalesPrice Double Revenue / Units Average online variation products sum(Revenue, variation products) / sum(Units, variation products)

sum(AvgSalesPrice, set_products)

Average all variation products in slicing group

sum(Revenue, variation products) / sum(Units, variation products)

Average online variation products sum(Revenue, variation products) / sum(Units, variation products)
Conversion Double Orders(product) / Visits(site)

Average online variations sum(Orders, variations) / (sum(Views, variations) + view(base product)

(This is the same as LookToBookRatio.)

Average online set products sum(Conversion*Units, set_products) / sum (Units, set_products)

Average online variation products in slicing group

sum(Conversion*Units, variation products) / sum (Units, variation products)

Average online variation products sum(Orders, variation products) / (sum(Views, variation products) + view(variation group))

(This is the same as LookToBookRatio.)

CostPrice Double Active Data Value (user-provided) Average online variation products sum(CostPrice, variation products) / count(variation products)

Sum of online set products sum(CostPrice, set_products)

Average online variation products in slicing group

sum(CostPrice, variation products) / count(variation products)

Average online variation products sum(CostPrice, variation products) / count(variation products)
CreationDate Date System data System data

System data

System data from Main  System data
DaysAvailable Double

(CurrentDate - AvailableDate) / 24 h


(Current - CreationDate) / 24 h

If there is no availableDate set, creationDate is used instead.

sum(DaysAvailable, variations + base product)/count(variations + base product)

CurrentDate - (AvailableDate) / 24 h or Current - (CreationDate)/24h

Value from Main sum(DaysAvailable, variations + variation group)/count(variations + variation group)
Impressions Integer Impressions(product/bundle) Sum online variations + base product value sum(Impressions, variations) + Impressions(base product)

Impressions(product set)

Sum online variations in slicing group + base product value

sum(Impressions, variations) + Impressions(base product)

Sum online variation products in variation group+ variation group value sum(Impressions, variation products) + Impressions(variation group)
LastModified Date Product Value Product Value

Product Value

Value from Main Product Value
LookToBookRatio Double

Min(100, 100 * Orders/Views)

0 if Orders == 0

100 if Views == 0

Average online variations sum(Orders, variation products) / (sum(Views, variation products) + view(base product))

Sum of online set products sum(LookToBookRatio*Units, set_products) / sum (Units, set_products)

Average online variation products in slicing group

sum(LookToBookRatio, variation products) / count(variation products)

Average online variation products sum(Orders, variation products) / (sum(Views, variation products) + view(variation group))
Orders Integer Orders(product/bundle) Sum all variation products sum(Orders, variation products)

Sum of online set products sum(Orders, set_products)

Sum all variation products in slicing group

sum(Orders, variation products)

Sum all variation products in variation group sum(Orders, variation products)
ReturnRate Double Active Data Value (user-provided) Average all variation products sum(ReturnRate * UnitsYear, variation product) / sum(UnitsYear, variation products)

Average all set products sum(ReturnRate * UnitsYear, set_products) / sum(UnitsYear, set_products)

Average all variation products in slicing group

sum(ReturnRate * UnitsYear, variation product) / sum(UnitsYear, variation products)

Average all variation products in variation group sum(ReturnRate * UnitsYear, variation product) / sum(UnitsYear, variation products)
Revenue Double Revenue(product/bundle)

Sum all variation products

sum(Revenue, variation products)

Sum of online set products

sum(Revenue, set_products)

Sum all variation products in slicing group

sum(Revenue, variation products)

Sum all variation products in variation group

sum(Revenue, variation products)

SalesVelocity Double Units / (24.0 * min(1.0, DaysAvailable)) FeedImportDate + 24 h - AvailabilityDate or CreationDate

Sum online variation products

sum(SalesVelocity, variation products)

Maximum online set products

max(SalesVelocity, set_products)

Sum online variation products in slicing group

Sum(SalesVelocity, variation products)

Sum online variation products in variation group

Sum(SalesVelocity, variation products)

Units Double Units(product/bundle)

Sum all variations

Sum(Units, variation products)

Sum of online set products

Sum(Units, set_products)

Sum all variation products in slicing group

Sum(Units, variation products)

Sum all variations in variation group

Sum(Units, variations)

Views Integer Views(product/bundle)

Sum all variations + base product value

Sum(views, variations) + views(base product)

views(product set)

Sum all variations in slicing group + base product value

sum(views, variations) + views(main prodcut)

Sum all variation products + variation group value

sum(views, variations) + views(variation group)

Sorting Attributes

The following attributes are used in sorting rules. This table describes how they are calculated for different product types.

Sorting Attribute Documentation Product Bundle Main Product Set Slicing Variation Group
String Attribute like name, description

Locale specific sorting of the string value. The locale of the index is used.

Null values are always last.

Product Value Product Value (Bundle)

Value of the base product if it's defined.

Fall back to variations represented by search hit.

Value of the product set if it's defined.

Fall back to set products represented by search hit.

Value of the base product if it's defined.

Fall back to variations at the group represented by search hit.

Value of the variation group if it's defined.

Fall back to variations represented by search hit.

Date attributes

Sorting of date values.

Null values are always last.

Product Value Product Value (Bundle)

Value of the base product if it's defined.

Fall back to variations represented by search hit.

Value of the product set if it's defined.

Fall back to set products represented by search hit.

Value of the base product if it's defined.

Fall back to variations at the group represented by search hit.

Value of the variation group if it's defined.

Fall back to variations represented by search hit.

Numeric attributes

Sorting of numeric values.

Null values are always last.

Product Value Product Value (Bundle)

Value of the base product if it's defined.

Fall back to variations represented by search hit.

Value of the product set if it's defined.

Fall back to set products represented by search hit.

Value of the base product if it's defined.

Fall back to variations at the group represented by search hit.

Value of the variation group if it's defined.

Fall back to variations represented by search hit.

Category-specific attributes (search rank and search placement)

Value of product in currently selected refinement category.

Null values are always last.

Product Value Product Value (Bundle)

Value of the base product if it's defined.

Fall back to variations represented by search hit.

Value of the product set if it's defined.

Fall back to set products represented by search hit.

Value of the base product if it's defined.

Fall back to variations at the group represented by search hit.

Value of the variation group if it's defined.

Fall back to variations represented by search hit.

Special Sorting Attributes

These sorting rule attributes are calculated differently than most attributes.

Sorting Attribute Documentation Product Bundle Main ProductSet Slicing Variation Group
Availability Rank Creates two groups of search hits based on the attribute 'Availability' and a configurable threshold: "high availability" and "low or no availability". A search hit belongs to either the one or the other. Sorting direction is always descending and then group 'high availability' is shown before 'low availability'. Product Value Product Value (Bundle) Highest Availability of all variation products represented by search hit. Highest Availability of all set products represented by search hit. Highest Availability of all variation products at the group represented by search hit. Highest Availability of all variation products represented by search hit.
Category Position Position of product in currently selected refinement category. Always ascending (highest positioned first). Product Value Product Value (Bundle) Product Value (Main) Product Value (Product Set) Main Value Product Value (VariationGroup)
Price The price book price currently active. Either ascending or descending. Product Value Product Value (Bundle) Lowest/highest price of all variation products represented by search hit. Lowest/highest price of all set products represented by search hit. Lowest/highest price of all variation products at the group represented by search hit. Lowest/highest price of all variation products represented by search hit.
Text Relevance The relevance based on search keyword. Always descending (most relevant first). Product Value Product Value (Bundle) Most relevant variation represented by search hit. Most relevant set product represented by search hit. Most relevant variation at the group represented by search hit. Most relevant variation at the group represented by search hit.

Product Attributes

These product attributes, used for active data, are listed by product type.
Sorting Attribute Type Product


all bundled products

online bundled products


all variations

online variations

Product Set

all set products

online set products


all variations of group

online variations of group

Variation Group

all variations of group

online variations of group

ATS BigDecimal Product Value (Inventory Record)

Product Value (Bundle) if it's defined

Sum ATS of online bundled products (sum(ATS))

Product Value (Main) if it's defined

Sum ATS of online variations (sum(ATS))

Product Value (ProductSet) if it's defined

Sum ATS of online set products (sum(ATS))

Main Value if it's defined

Sum ATS of online variations the group (sum(ATS))

Product Value (VariationGroup) if it's defined

Sum ATS of online bundled products (sum(ATS))

Availability double Product Value (Inventory Record)

Product Value (Bundle) if it's defined and UseBundleInventoryOnly

Min Availability of bundle and all bundled products (min(Availability))

Product Value (Main) if it's defined

Average Availability of online variations (avg(Availability))

Product Value (ProductSet) if it's defined

Max Availability of online set products (max(Availability))

Main Value if it's defined

Average Availability of online variations at the group (avg(Availability))

Product Value (VariationGroup) if it's defined

Average Availability of online variations (avg(Availability))

Orderable boolean Product Value (Inventory Record)

Product Value (Bundle) if it's defined and UseBundleInventoryOnly

true in case all bundled products are orderable (no online check)

Product Value (Main) if it's defined

true in case one variation is orderable, false otherwise (no online check)

Product Value (Product Set) if it's defined

true in case one set product is orderable, false otherwise (no online check)

Main Value if it's defined

true in case one variation at the group is orderable, false otherwise (no online check)

Product Value (VariationGroup) if it's defined

true in case one variation is orderable, false otherwise (no online check)

SKUCoverage double Product Value (Inventory Record)

1 in case all online bundled products are in stock, 0 otherwise

Average SKUCoverage of online variations (avg(SKUCoverage))

The ratio of orderable SKUs in the product set over the total number of online SKUs in the product set.

1 in case one of the online variations at the group is in stock, 0 otherwise

Average SKUCoverage of online variations (avg(SKUCoverage))
TTOOS double Product Value (Inventory Record)

Product Value (Bundle) if it's defined

Min TTOOS of online bundled products (min(TTOOS))

Max TTOOS of online variations (max(TTOOS))

Max TTOOS of online set products (max(TTOOS))

Max TTOOS of online variations at the group (max(TTOOS))

Max TTOOS of online variations (max(TTOOS))

Value Calculation Example

Product Data ​​ Inventory Record Active Data Calculated (do not change)
SKU Color Size Online Allocation ATS Orders Views Units Availability SKU Coverage Sales Velocity TTOS
Variation group Red         n/a     5.00 1.00 0.96 120
1234A Red s 1 2 10 2 250 2 5.00 1 0.08 120
1234B Red m 1 2 10 8 0 8 5.00 1 0.33 30
1234C Red l 1 2 10 10 0 10 5.00 1 0.42 24
1234D Red xl 1 2 10 3 0 3 5.00 1 0.13 80
Notifications pending to read 9